Wednesday, March 31, 2010

CIE Launches Tomorrow!

Wondering what the OKCMAR/MLS Van is doing all around town? Staff and RCA committee members have been hosting informational round tables for the commercial practitioners since early February. In fact there is a presentation this morning with Cambridge Properties. The CIE has been a monumental 2.5 year project for staff and the RCA and it is with great relief and anticipation that all the hard work is finally a reality!

The OKCMAR Board and RCA have worked together to help solve the challenges faced by our commercial practitioners. Although soaring costs and decline in revenue is only one of the issues in the commercial market it is an issue that our visionary REALTOR leaders could directly address. Understanding that economic development is followed by home sales the two groups worked relentlessly over the past two years to bring an affordable and efficient CIE to OKC. In addition to affordability the CIE is locally owned and locally managed to ensure that OKC commercial associates and brokers have a system that is specific to the OKC market.

As we enter phase 3 of the far reaching ARCS (Allied Real Estate Commercial Services a wholly owned subsidiary corporation of OKCMAR) plan I would like to take a moment to thank the incredible leader-volunteers of this project and my staff who have worked many evenings to make the CIE a reality. Although so many have worked on this project I think it is important to specifically recognize the three leaders who have worked on this project since its onset and are greatly responsible for its success: Bart Binning, Karen Graves & Nancy Ice. If you get a chance to interact with them in business thank them for the hundreds of hours they took away from their businesses over the last three years to bring this incredible service to OKC.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Everything worthwhile is worth waiting for

Case in point! Shared in the first day of baby Emerson's life. Welcome Emerson Bressler (grandson #2 for me) to the OKCMAR family!

8 pounds 13 ounces! 21 inches long

Efficiency on the Go!

Your association just made your life easier and more efficient, IF you choose to take advantage!

First, if you're not already using TransactionDesk (free) to create your contracts and manage your transactions more efficiently, I'd STRONGLY encourage you to do so (you can register for classes on how to use this awesome tool here). It will save you time and frustration and help you keep your files more organized, while using less paper, less ink, and less time.

Secondly, this new (FREE) tool, DocBox2Go, allows you to access your transaction files & forms directly on your mobile phone.

How many times have you been out of the office and needed a blank form, or needed to look up the details of one of your transactions, or needed to email or fax a form to someone? Well, now you don't have to hassle your spouse or staff to do it for you. Instead, you can find the form and create/send directly from your mobile phone.

Oh, and did I mention both of these time-saving services are FREE to OKCMAR members?

Monday, March 29, 2010

MLS The Best Business Value in the Marketplace

MLS fees are due March 31st. Compare the low $600 per year investment to other areas where a REALTOR invests in his/her business- is the return the same? Remember only members who do not use the two discounts (bundling and pre-pay) pay the full $600 for this remarkable tool. The MLS provides the REALTOR with a comprehensive database to serve their clients (how much would you be willing to spend on the open market for just this information?), an ability to market the properties all over the Internet and on private sites, comprehensive tax data and neighborhood reports allowing you to be the expert in any OKC neighborhood, online forms and an online document platform, virtual tour creator to bring the customer the media-rich experience they expect, showing service to expedite every transaction, security and risk reduction through SecureMLS Scout and Announce My Listing which provides the viral social marketing tool which places our members at the forefront of a global trend. Compare that to a newspaper ad or enhanced package expense. Spend your money wisely and always ensure that your access to this phenomenal tool is not compromised. Check your balances and pay today!

Remember that some of you may have paid the association dues which were billed in October and due in December as late as March. The March MLS invoice is separate from the association dues. Paying several months after the due date may make it appear that you are paying all the time but that is actually a result of the choices made in managing your individual business. MLS fees are due in March and September, association dues in December. Paying on time prevents that feeling of always owing.

How's the Market?

Oklahoma City continues to hold off the housing decline with an increase in sales over last month and over last year (2009). Volume was up with the median price up several thousands of dollars over last February 2009. Inventory is down and the average days on market decreased significantly from 94 days to 85, less than three months. For the lay person reading the blog a shrinking inventory (less homes for sale) leads to an increase in home values. It is a simple economic law of supply and demand.

What makes OKC so different than the rest of the nation? The low unemployment rate has a significant impact. Jobs do equal homes. MAPS 3 also has assisted in keeping the OKC market strong as OKC continues to draw commercial development due to its progressive governmental leadership and favorable business tax climate. The final key is the strength of OKCMAR REALTORS and the OKCMAR & MLSOK strategic plan.

Recently the OKCMAR annual survey was analyzed for all its write-in comments. One comment in particular is relevant to this post. (Paraphrased) "Since the commercials and the billboards do not market me specifically they have no value. I would rather have lower MLS fees". The MLSOK used its 2008 tax refund to extend the billboards for one more year. The boards promote the value of using an OKCMAR REALTOR in the real estate transaction and encourage the public to search the public-sided MLS site,

Once the public is on the site the listings have a lead generation feature getting the lead back to the preferred associate or the listing associate. The listings are all syndicated through listhub which when the interested party clicks more information an email is sent to the listing associate to contact the customer. However, even more important is the inherent statement that the OKC REALTORS are confident in the market and that the public can be too.

All the tools in the MLS make transactions easier and faster and put information that promotes the stability of the OKC housing market and the value of the REALTOR through the depth of data available. Your MLS isn't just responding to the market rather the strategic initiatives are protecting the OKC market. The MLS leadership has positioned OKC REALTORS and the OKC housing market to withstand the national housing crisis. The Boards of Directors of both corporations, MLSOK & OKCMAR should be applauded for their far-reaching response to the storm they saw on the horizon.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Run, Run, Run

It is the official start of the high school track season. I sat amazed, in the freezing wind at the Piedmont high school, by the tenacity and talent of the OKC metro's youth! If only we all pursued our aspirations with such determination and effort. This was my first trip to Piedmont and I absolutely loved this township. Winds of Progress- their town motto- seems to capture the spirit of all of Oklahoma. Piedmont reminded me so much of my hometown, Sugar Camp, in Wisconsin. The rolling hills, the cows grazing in the meadow, trees, the pride in their high school and that Americana feel. It made me feel nostalgic for home. I can see why Piedmont is such a desirable area. I also got a sense of pride as I saw the REALTOR firms proudly displaying the REALTOR "R" on their signage.

My family got home in time to attend the BMCHS German Club's Welcome Dinner for the German foreign exchange students spending three weeks in OKC. We are hosting a delightful young girl named Kristina. So far they are most thrilled with Penn Square Mall but then again they have only been in OKC for two days and the first was spent in school. The dinner was amazing, (I made Super-burn vegetarian 4 bean chili) and the topic of conversation turned to real estate as it seems to always do.

Our industry is literally the fabric of the American Society. Our aspiration of the Widest Distribution of Land to the Widest Ownership and our willingness to continue to foster this belief is part of what makes America so great. That is why the real estate market is always the topic of conversation because inherently every American knows that the dream of home-ownership is fundamental to our existence as a free and democratic country.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Help Me I Am Stuck In Castle Age Again!

For those of you following my ramblings I am suffering from Castle Age (a Facebook game) addiction. Two weeks ago I stopped cold turkey and my daughter reeled me back in this weekend. So of course I played for several hours yesterday and did not get any laundry done. I love the game because there is such a support system/friendship network in place for those of us battling dragons and going on epic quests.

In many ways Castle Age is similar to MLS. MLS is not a technology program, a marketing vehicle or a database. What it is, is a network of people with similar objectives committed to cooperating with and compensating each other. Just like Castle Age. Make sure you have paid your MLS fees by the end of the month to ensure your access to your business's most valuable asset is uninterrupted. Click here to view your account balances and pay any outstanding invoices.

If only Castle Age required payment my clothes might be folded!


On Friday accounting got a call from an MLS user that also utilized another MLS and was very surprised that the costs were not the same. The federal Department of Justice expressly forbids MLS's to get together and determine a price. This is a fundamental component of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act that competitors may not conspire to fix prices (price-fixing). The economy and availability of services will naturally lead to similar pricing just as in the auto-industry most mid-size cars from different manufacturers will be within a similar range with outliers- the BMW midsize can be expected to be out of the range as they offer a product based on luxury/quality and the Yugo would be much lower, even outside of the low end of the range because it is selling economy.

We are required as MLS to determine our pricing based on our products and services. As to the MLS's in question, this user did not avail herself of any of the discounts putting her at the high end of MLSOK's price range. Our price is determined by what we have to offer and our discounts are based on the amount of work and resources we save when MLS users use both of our primary products, (Supra Lock Box Program & MLS Database) using both reduces the resources needed to bill and collect. The pre-pay discount saves on labor costs & paper/postage costs because we aren't having to send out all 4000 invoices over and over again in an attempt to collect.

To use two MLS's is the choice of the REALTOR calling. One can belong to a board but not belong to their MLS. This was a result of a fairly famous law suit at NAR. The court ruled that boards and MLS's cannot be tied together (illegal tie-in). So the person that called could remain in her board but opt to use ONLY the MLSOK. This assumes the REALTOR calling is the broker. Only the broker can determine which MLS they will use.

From a strictly business perspective the OKCMAR MLS is far more cost-effective and holds most if not all of the listings in the surrounding MLS's. MLSOK subscribers enjoy a technologically advanced programming, a public-sided site with lead generation, listing syndication with lead generation, liability protection with Secure MLS, free showing service, free online documents and Customer Relationship-Document Management platform, tax data and e-neighborhood reports, social media tools and virtual tour creator. The discounts from MLSOK result in a $40.50 monthly fee. Our discounted Supra Key fees are $20.25 per month.  So although our MLS fees increased by $10 in 2007 the Lock box fees decreased by $5. The net change was $5 per month for a far superior product (again provided discounts are utilized).

Friday, March 19, 2010

An Interesting Thought

Bertrand Arthur William Russell (b.1872 - d.1970) was a British philosopher, logician, essayist, and social critic, best known for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy. He gave the world this thought:

“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.”

Just something to think about it. I found this on Marsha Petrie Sue's blog. Marsha will be our keynote speaker at the September Membership Conference. She is just one of a great line-up of speakers we have planned for you over the three conferences this year. At your Management Conference this June we have Terry Watson (INCREDIBLE!), Ronda Mikles, as well as several NAR speakers. At the membership conference this year we will be featuring Stan Toler and Marsha Petrie Sue. Hope you all enjoyed Gee Dunsten, Doug Devitre, Dick Betts and Brian Boero at the Tech conference this month.

No Points For Me!

Another day and nothing crossed off the "To Do" list! I am fairly certain I will be at the office tomorrow, Saturday. My daughter is involved in the foreign exchange student program and next Friday we will be welcoming a student from Germany. As hosts she will be living with us and therefore I also really need to get my house in order, specifically emptying out "the office" and making sure it is a comfortable bedroom for her. If only there were 40 hours in a day and not just 24! Yeah.... We don't speak any German....

Speaking  of running out of time- currently over half of the MLS subscribers have not paid their MLS subscription fee. The deadline for payment before suspension is March 31st.  Hurry in and get your subscription paid to avoid suspension. Make sure you have paid the invoicce or go ahead and make payment online by clicking here

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What Do You Do All Day?

Today was another very hectic day! I have been desperately trying to get to a "To Do" list for the past two weeks- another day and nothing crossed off the list! For those of you who read my points post you can appreciate how frustrating this is for a point gal like me. I derive great joy in drawing a line across an item on the list- I give myself 5-25 points dependent upon the import or requirements of the item. I have been point-less for two weeks now.

The reason for the desperation is that I am trying to get things done before I take a week's real vacation. While I have taken two vacations since my start in 2007 most are spent on the computer and phone working on those can never get to items but this time my vacation needs my full attention. I am taking care of my two year old grandson. My daughter is delivering my second grandchild on March 30th. Her husband works all over the country and will only be home for a short time.

Today I sat in on the education committee meeting as we debriefed the tech conference (I try really hard not to attend committee meetings so as not to interfere with their work). After the meeting I returned emails and then was the guest of Rodney Burgamy for a luncheon with his associates. I love interacting with the working members and spent a great deal of time with an associate who was 10 years in the business picking his brain. After the luncheon (Rodney holds his sales meetings at OKCMAR ) and brainstorming with  Oklahoma Capital Abstract about possible business classes I met with our COO, Cassie Papin to go over all the current operational issues at hand- 45 minutes later (we had to resume later) there was a telephone conference with EPD (the commercial CIE vendor) followed by a meeting with Cornerstone, our treasurer and comptroller to develop investment strategies that would protect your principal in our operating reserve but somehow generate a little income. Back to the meeting with our COO.

As we were finishing up Vital Signs had finished installing the sign and awning for the newly expanded R-Store (inspection) and one of my favorite members stopped in to discuss an issues mobilization opportunity to promote relocation to Oklahoma City. We talked until 6pm. Get home- the alarm is going off at OKCMAR! No worries - everything is fine. Just now checking my email at 7pm for the day and one of the emails gave me inspiration for this post. So while I know it is frustrating for some of you to hear "she's in a meeting can I take a message?" know that I too am often not accomplishing what I feel I need to do. However, the funny thing is that days like today also help me realign my priorities and help me to always keep you, the member, in focus. YOU are our job! At OKCMAR & MLSOK I can proudly say "We're in it for You!"

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One Building, Two Corporations, Shared Staff

Many ask why there are two corporations and why aren't OKCMAR & MLS one in the same? OKCMAR is a NON-PROFIT. As a non-profit trade association the IRS limits what activity an association can involve in which typically the is defined in its charter. Providing business services  outside of the charter can lead to loss of the non-profit status and revenue generated from the business services SUCH AS MLS  is subject to Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) and too much UBIT will also result in the loss of the non-profit status. This means no association because the three way agreement with OAR & NAR require that we operate as a non-profit.

OKCMAR dues are $125 or $10.25 monthly. OKCMAR provides its members professional standards administration, member services (such as processing new members, conducting orientation, processing transfers and releases), education (your free CE), legislative advocacy, networking and information (the website, e-blasts and quarterly newsmagazine) and dues billing and collection services for OKCMAR as well as OAR and NAR. OKCMAR also pays all building expenses as well as professional services  expenses (CPA, Auditors & legal) and the more mundane things like the utilities, insurance, building and equipment maintenance, lawn, property and payroll tax etc.

MLS fees which without  all discounts are $600 per year ($50 monthly)  with lockboxes $810 per year ($67.50 monthly). MLS fees pay for the MLS database, MLS Tech Support, MLS member services, lockbox and key administration, the MLS public sided site, MLS training, MLS accounting, MLS rules enforcement and rules compliance assistance, the R-Store, MLS billing and collection service for the broker-participants, online forms management, tax data, security controls, showing service & virtual tour creator, MLS fees also pay for the rental space it uses in the OKCMAR building. This rent was set in accordance to market rents through a professional appraisal.

MLS and OKCMAR have a staff division as well with a small group of staff being "shared" by both corporations. The shared staff completes time studies and then bills MLS for the staff time devoted to MLS. OKCMAR actually employs all the employees that work at OKCMAR. MLS pays OKCMAR an administrative fee for the staff it "leases" from OKCMAR. This staff includes: Broker & vendor Services Director, MLS accounting specialist, Rstore manager, MLS Help Desk manager, MLS reception/lockbox, 2 MLS technicians and IT specialist. The shared staff include myself,  CEO, the Comptroller, the Chief Operations Officer, main receptionist and the Executive Assistant.

This is why there is one building, two corporations and shared staff. It is easy to understand how members can view that OKCMAR and MLS with shared space and staff are one entity  however the corporations are run completely separately with separate article of incorporation, separate bylaws, separate operating accounts, separate Boards of Directors and by and large separate staff.

Time is running out...

Remember that MLS fees are due no later than March 31st. Please do not confuse your MLS fees with your state, national and local dues. Invoices for association dues were mailed out October 1st but many of you chose to pay late with penalties,  well into February. Although you may have personally just paid your dues in January or February (invoiced in October) and then received an MLS invoice in January they are not one and the same.

Keep this simple schedule posted at your desk:

Association Dues to OKCMAR, OAR & NAR are $374- Invoiced in October last possible payment date without penalty January 20th (Dues are "due" only once per year and OKCMAR keeps only $125 the rest goes to your state and national association)

MLS Fees (which include lockbox key service) range with discounts but if you haven't paid yet (no pre-pay discount) and use lockboxes your semi-annual bill is $405 if you don't have a suprakey your bill is $300.  These invoices went out in January. The last possible payment date is March 31st. You get this invoice again in July and the last possible payment date September 30th.

If you did not pay your dues by the deadline it is possible you received another invoice for dues in January and your first invoice for MLS. These are two different invoices from two different corporations. If your plan is to continue in real estate don't risk losing this most valuable tool; your MLS services.

Click here to see if you have outstanding invoices. The best way to manage your payments is to pay them when they are invoiced, October, January and July this way you are not in the cycle of paying only to receive another invoice immediately after payment. For your MLS fees you can also opt to pay monthly by enrolling in auto-pay. There is no auto-pay option for dues as a result of the OAR and NAR payment requirements which OKCMAR must follow.

Every 1000 Mile Journey Starts with a First Singular Step

I had the most delightful lunch with a husband and wife team of members yesterday. I enjoyed the conversation on the way to the restaurant, found out we had a lot in common. I wanted to share with you her comment to me: I really used to dislike the association. I was annoyed every time I wrote out a check. Things are so different now, the association really offers so much for us.

This was music to my ears! Sometimes I get very discouraged, it seems so difficult to have effective communication with the membership. I get wonderful feedback from members who are involved in association activity but it seems those that do not participate see very little value and like my lunch partner did, seem to resent the association. Knowing that there is progress made- that two members moved from resentful to annoyed to satisfied is a huge success. The association just needs to touch every member, one at a time, one step at a time. We have made much progress on our journey together. I am very proud to be the CEO of such a progressive vibrant membership. Thank you OKCMAR!

Monday, March 15, 2010

NAR Shows Us the Money!

Congrats OKCMAR! We are the recipients of a $5000 grant from NAR for our Management Conference. With just a few more affiliates participating in sponsorships we may be able to offer this event at a very low cost or even free! Have you talked to your service providers to let them know how important it is to you that they participate and support the OKCMAR conferences that help you do more business? Help us help you- let your title company, mortgage firm and other providers know that these events are important to you and you appreciate their support.

Although the management conference has a few break-out sessions that are geared towards brokers- this conference is all about managing your small business as an independent contractor. You  will love our key note Terry Watson and his afternoon CE class: Avoiding Roadkill — The Ten Stupid Things Really Smart Salespeople Do to Mess up Their Lives!™

You cannot afford to miss Terry's opening session "Why Be Normal". To get a glimpse of what is in store check out this recent video of Terry in New Zealand talking to REALTORS View the video

Sunday, March 14, 2010

MLS Countdown- Don't Lose Your Most Valuable Tool!

If you did not sign up for the monthly pay plan your MLS fees are due at the end of this month. The billing is for April- September Service. Invoices have been sent out since early January repeatedly. MLSOK  operates at a break-even basis per NAR guidelines. MLSOK can no longer carry non-payers for months on end because Marketlinx and others charge us for the service if a subscriber is still activated in our system. There is simply no better value than MLS. Even if a subscriber is not using the discounts and is paying the full $50 per month imagine how much you would spend if you were trying to market your properties and serve your clients without this tool! I urge everyone to think about how much they are paying for other tools (Reporting systems, print advertising, packages, direct mail pieces, cell phone service, Internet, web vendors) and analyze how much return you are actually getting for that expense as compared to your return from MLS. To view and pay your invoice please click here.

The Hodag Prowls Oklahoma City

For those in my blogging  class who heard the story about the mighty and mysterious (also mythical) hodag I have found a site that is currently tracking the hodag through citizen sight reportings. To learn more click here.

To your right is a photo of the hodag. This statue sits in front of the Rhinelander Chamber of Commerce. It was good to be raised in a community with a sense of humor! To learn more about the Hodag Country Festival Click here. This summer the top stars performing are: Loretta Lynn, George Jones Neal McCoy & Sarah Buxton. For more info about this amazing event click here. (last year's attendance was a little over 40,000)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Member Feedback from Spring Conference - Happy Realtors

The feedback from the Spring Conference this past week has been tremendously positive. BIG thanks to Abby Mathew for providing us with some great video testimonials! Here are some examples:

Upload MP3 to Youtube -

I just found a great new FREE tool as I was trying to upload the MP3 files onto Youtube for the OKCMAR website.

Upload MP3 to Youtube -

Make sure you check out all the wonderful feedback being posted on Ryan's latest entry

Thursday, March 11, 2010

OKCMAR Spring Conference 2010 - Your Thoughts?

This post comes from me as a Realtor and a member of OKCMAR, not as a Director or committee member.

I spent the past 2 days at the Spring Conference, learning from those who know, those who lead, those who volunteer, and those who have a passion for our industry, like I do, and I have to say that I was THOROUGHLY impressed.

The OKCMAR staff clearly worked their tails off to put together what I believe to be the best association event we've ever had (at least from my experience), and they deserve to be recognized and thanked for what they do for us.

The funny thing about what I just said above is that it will be recognized and agreed with by a certain percentage of our membership and dismissed by another group of members. The difference in those two groups will simply be those who do and those who don't. Those who do (have a passion for our industry and bettering themselves) are involved and close enough to the association to see the strides that have been made over the past few years (even over the past few months), and those who don't simply weren't around this week. They'll be the ones complaining about the dues they pay and how they get nothing back for what they spend, yet they made no effort to participate.

Those who do, see the value in what just happened and understand that there are things going on in our industry that we must all adapt to, and those who don't, simply don't.

So, the question is, do you or don't you? Will you or won't you still be in this business 5 years from now, or even 2 years from now? Our association is working feverishly to not only bring us up to speed with larger associations around the country, but to actually surpass them. They are PASSIONATE about what they do and they're bringing more value to what they provide our membership every single day.

We also owe a BIG thanks to those who made it possible for this amazing event to be offered to our members FOR FREE. But whether it's free or costs $500, it would be wise and worthwhile for EVERY member who wants to grow in their profession to be there next year!


Now please tell me what you thought of the conference.. was it worthwhile/valuable to you?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Heart of the Matter

I was in Chris Chappell's class today and I was so touched by something he said. He was showing all the different avenues the board and MLS uses to communicate to the membership and how to access them. He brought up this blog and he said "take some time to read this; it is the heart of your CEO". I was so touched that he recognized how important it is to me that the members know I care and the amount of effort I (and my entire staff) put in to trying to reach all of you. "We're in it for You" isn't just a tagline to us. We mean it.

I love conferences like the one we had today where staff gets to interact directly with the membership in a support/mentor/educator role. It is wonderful to interact with all of you in this positive way. Maybe some of you left today with a different view of the board and its staff. I hope everyone who registered for tomorrow attends. Brian Boero is one of the bright stars of the tech world and he is definitely worth listening to. Brian Boero is Co-founder of 1000 watt consulting with a background of leadership in both VREO and Inman News . You can read his entire bio on the board website by clicking here.

I was very, very, very proud of my staff today. Thank you all for making my job so easy. I also want to share how incredibly proud I was of all of you. The committee members and all the volunteers did an incredible job- I felt such a sense of ownership from all of you. That this was your association & your event and you were proud to be a part of OKCMAR. Thank you for making OKCMAR such a strong association. Pat yourself on the back- you showed us your hearts today!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Worth Repeating

Recently I received a comment on the MLS initiatives post that I felt should be posted on the blog main page- rather than the comment section. I think that more members read the posts from the authors but not necessarily the comments. I think his/her comments were valid and probably reflect a segment of the membership. I also thought the readers should easily view my response:

From the member:Anonymous said...

Some companies belong to franchise. They pay for that privilege. With a franchise agents receive certain perks, ecards, contact programs, business plan modules, etc.
Some companies choose not to belong to franchises. They do not want to pay for the perks offered by franchises.

Is it the responsibility of OKMAR and the MLS to use everyone dues to supply those who do not want to pay for perks with a franchiese with the same perks? These perks should not be provided without fees to those wanting to use them. But there should be no cost to those already taking advantage of those programs from other sources.
These programs cost something. What is the real job of the MLS? Perhaps that job should be limited to accurately collecting and dusbursing information.

I think you raise some very interesting points. The OKCMAR dues of $125 per year fund OKCMAR -Association related activities. As for perks from the dues there are basically two- Free CE (unheard of in most associations!) and the Free Inaugural. I personally agree (CEO VIEWPOINT ONLY- PERSONAL OPINION) that these items should be paid for by the individual receiving the benefit and not by all the members through dues. The savings could be used for legislative advocacy (a benefit to the entire membership), public relations or even a fund to assist the public secure low income housing as I have seen done in other associations. However, the overwhelming thought process has been that members are so used to these perks that it would be very negatively perceived to take them away.

As to MLS, the MLS funds are used to bring every member up to the level of technology that today's consumer not only expects but demands. It assists every member in remaining relevant in the market place. Many of the extra MLS programs like Site Seer and 360 Vista are available to members at an extra charge and not part of the MLS fees. None of us pay for Listhub- the free listing syndication service- this is free from the company- how they make their money is by selling the click-through reports to the brokers. Secure MLS is a necessity for protecting the broker and MLSOK from liability- it is a part of the monthly fee.

Forms are a common offering amongst MLS's and transaction desk is included in your monthly MLS fee and over 69% of the members are using it exclusively based on data in December; current data indicates over 80% usage. REALIST, the tax data program is an integral piece of our MLS and is right in line with your statement "Accurately collecting and disbursing data", this is included in your monthly MLS fees. Showing assist, the virtual tour creator and the AML social media tool are extras whose sole purpose is to keep our REALTORS relevant in the market. Buyers & Sellers expect video, social media marketing and efficient showing procedures from today's agent. Because they get these services (or similar counterparts) everywhere else from banks to retail outlets to governmental agencies. Even if every member does not use these three features (and they should be) their existence keeps our REALTORS important and relevant and positioned as the expert in the eyes of the consumer.

Our primary job in MLS is to accurately collect and disburse data and I believe the 4 2010 initiatives do that. Using House Logic (free) gives the REALTORS an immense database of free information. Most of the services we are looking at deal directly with reports which is accurately collecting and disbursing the data. Focusing on training in the existing MLS tools helps to ensure data accuracy. Finding a means to cooperatively work with other MLS's should save the REALTORS money which means they might be able to afford a small ticket price for the inaugural.

Although initially it seems that we are on different pages we are actually not that far apart in what we both believe to be the core purpose of MLS.

For Once I am Speechless!

For all intents and purposes the Spring Tech Conference is at full capacity. Between registrants, staff, exhibitors, and member volunteers we are expecting well over 300 members over the course of the event. This is wonderful considering there are several competing conferences that day.

I cannot express the level of committement by your Board of Directors to bring you professional development and tools to make more money. Part of this committment is our new designation program. The first week of March we had a filled to capacity class for the SRS designation. This year we will also be offering the ABR, CRB and GREEN Designations. Due to the ovewhelming response to the SRS we will be offering this course again in 2010.

REALTORS® with Designations Earn More!

The following table, based on data compiled by NAR Research, demonstrates that the average gross income for members with designations and certifications is considerably higher than for those who do not pursue additional real estate education.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spring Conference

What a great opportunity to get some Continuing Education, because of the strong support of our Affiliate Members, Sponsors, and the OKCMAR Board of Directors. The Spring Tech Conference is what the majority of you have been wanting for some time. Because you are a member of OKCMAR, this Spring Conference is now being offered at NO CHARGE!

Come and learn from Nationally known speakers about making your marketing $$$$ work for you. Learn all about the newest technologies available. All packed into one location. This is one of the best return on investment of your dues that has ever been offered.

The goal this year is for all members to realize that OKCMAR exists because of its’ members, so enjoy your membership and be part of the investment in your future. SEE YOU THERE!!

Click Here to Register