Monday, January 18, 2010

Help Me-Help You!


Dear Readers:

I need your help! Can you assist me in getting the word out about this blog? OKCMAR just completed its annual survey and again I find that while we are asking about OKCMAR (we do the MLS survey in July) most of the comments are about MLSOK. I sincerely hope that if you are in the sample group next year that the focus be on the association and not its subsidiary corporation the MLSOK.

NSIGHT marketing, the firm that creates, distributes and analyzes our surveys is in the process of collating the results but did send me the write-in comments because I am chomping at the bit for information and here is what I discovered for the 3rd year in a row. MOST OF WHAT MEMBERS ARE ASKING FOR IS ALREADY AVAILABLE! How do I get the word out?

Again we had many requests for night and evening classes and we did try that for an entire quarter but no one registered for them! Our largest class was the first week we offered an evening class and we had 3 members enroll. Week after week we cancelled classes because no one enrolled in them.

My question is this: Where can I answer the top 10 comments (defined as being repeatedly commented on through the survey) where members (you) will all read it?

This year I will ask NSight to distribute responses to all survey takers. Help me- help all of you. Please comment on how you would like to receive the survey results.

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