Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We lowered MLS FEES By $171 This YEAR!

Through our discounting programs, MLS Users are eligible for up to 20% off discounts of their fees. The first discount is bundling- if you use the lockbox program in addition to the MLS database your total bill is discounted 10%. If you use the pre-pay option and pay early you get another 10% off your total bill. Of course we now have the monthly auto-pay option which isn't eligible for the pre-pay discount but is elgible for the bundled discount.

Why can't I get the pre-pay discount if I pay monthly? Well, think about it- there is no savings in monthly processing- the staff has to handle your account each month. In fact, the MLS pays the bank a small percentage fee for every member draft/payment and we do not pass this cost on to those using the service. For example if you pay your car insurance monthly you will usually pay a few dollars more each month for this option. MLS has absorbed this cost for you.


Anonymous said...

If you raise them before you lower them - are the fees still lower?

Dawn Kennedy said...

Fees were increased to pay for services requested by the members (specifically a greatly expanded MLS educational program and computer technicians rather than customer service personnel) and to pay for upgraded technologies bringing MLSOKcom up to par with other large MLS's. Brokers also asked us to take on the billing process by billing agents direct which greatly increased costs.

The fees are still more than they were in 2007 but we lowered them considerably by streamlining processes.However, there still is a small increase in fees which pays for all the upgrades in products and increased services: Education, Tech Support and agent billing. It is important to look at the parallel offerings that resulted in the small increase in MLS fees.

The great news is we were able to offer you all the products and services made possible with the increase in fees and in turn passed operational savings back to each member- lowering annual fees by $171. So members reap the reward of greatly increased products and services while at the same time realizing a large decrease in fees- over half of the increase refunded directly back to the member in the form of discounts while retaining twice the service level prior to the increase and retaining all the upgraded and additional technological services.

When is the last time any company a member does business with voluntarily lowered their fees? I know I have never had an electric bill increase, a school tuition increase, a cell phone/cable increase that ever went back down after it was increased.

Members said " Give us a better MLS, Give us more training, Give us better technical support" so MLS did. Then members said "Fees are too high" so we looked for creative ways to lower them without touching reserves and we did. We are your partners in business not just a vendor!