Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pursuit of Happyness?

CEO Viewpoint:

Yes I know how to spell happiness!

The local and state leadership were treated to an amazing keynote speaker at the end of the summit, Chris Gardner, the real person behind the Will Smith movie, The Pursuit of Happyness. I was in awe of the single-minded determination of this man! I wonder what would be the result if we all had such focused determination in achieving our career goals.

For those unfamiliar with the story, Mr. Gardner was determined to become a successful stockbroker even though he had no formal education or experience. A bad set of circumstances led to his homelessness (and not just him he was living with his two year old son on the streets). Rather than get a "real job" he continued with unwavering determination in a basically unpaid internship for one year to further his personal goal of becoming a stockbroker. He then continued with the firm, cold calling 200 people per day for a year, to try and build a book of business with no money, no home and no contacts.

While doing this he had made a personal promise to always be there for his son. He never once gave up his baby (Mom had abandoned them both) to relatives or to the foster care system. He spent over one year living in subway bathrooms and homeless shelters with a two year old to reach his goals(in the movie they aged the child for the purpose of dialogue).

I feel very fortunate that I work for such an incredible organization where success is so attainable and greatly supported by a staff who is vested in your reaching your goals! Much of my day is filled with talking to members who believe MLS fees are too high and dues do not substantiate the value they receive from the association. I wonder how successful we would all be if we were willing to sacrifice what this man did to become a success in his chosen profession?

While I am not suggesting we pursue career paths that lead to homelessness I am suggesting that members realize the incredible return they receive for their dollars invested in their career through the association. OKCMAR dues are 35 cents- yes cents per day. I listened to a man who gave up eating to pay his dollar to the bus each day just to get to work. The investment in MLS is $1.67 per day. All these wonderful tools to succeed for less than a cup of Starbucks coffee. The real estate industry is an honorable PROFESSION. Just like all professions, investment is required; be it through a college education or upfront monetary investment. NAR has made tremendous strides in raising the public view of REALTORS as professionals. Please make sure you are living that promise with your commitment to the industry.

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