Many of you should have received an email from the 2009 NAR President Charles McMillan that had his podcast about the Legislative activities of NAR with regards to the extension and expansion of the Home Buyer Credit and NAR's position on the Health Care debate before Congress.
The Real Estate Industry is playing major roles in the outcome of these two important issues before us. While listening to the Podcast, it really hit home to me about the importance that we, as individual Realtors, play by our participation by being proactive with over 400,000 messages being sent to Congress, from Realtors, like you and me, about these issues. If you never knew why before, I want you to know that this is the kind of stuff that your RPAC donation goes towards. So that $25 that you are asked to give, may just help you sell that one extra house, as a result on NAR's efforts.
We need to stay proactive!
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