Friday, October 23, 2009

Indianmeal Moth: Who Knew?

Well you all have a lot of bugs here in Oklahoma! But at least your mosquitos aren't the size of hummingbirds like they are in Wisconsin (I am exaggerating a little). Any way we kept having these little caterpillar like creatures coming out of our piano. They also seemed to appear on the molding above the stove where we keep flour and spices.

My husband, the avid Northwoods hunter, would spend hours at night waiting for them to crawl out of the piano so he could dispose of them but he knew he was rapidly losing the fight. Yesterday he trapped several and took them to Oklahoma County Extension office by OSU. The entomologist took one look and said "Indianmeal Moth" better known as the pantry moth. He instructed us how to eliminate them and in less than 24 hours we have only had one sighting.

I think we often forget about all the great resources right around us that are free to us as OKC residents. Their site is also a great resource to give to new homeowners as they have an entire family and consumer sciences department. To access the extension click here to access the family and home sciences section click here.

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