Who is the fairest of them all? Do you like what you see when you look at your professional associations: OKCMAR, OAR & NAR? The associations, are only a reflection of their members desires, needs and participation. Yesterday, a member expressed to me displeasure with the state and national assessments in the dues billing. Inherent in the letter was the sentiment that somehow OKCMAR had some level of control over the state and national billing. OKCMAR does not BUT he does as do you!
Dues and any assessments as well as investments and expenses are not driven or decided by the respective association staff. Each year the Boards of Directors create, review and approve budgets and dues. To affect change one must become actively involved in the associations- become a part of the governance process by serving on committees and ultimately by holding a seat on the Board of Directors. The reflection in the mirror that you see is the reflection of the memberships' participation in the association. To change the reflection involvement in the associations is a necessary step.
For more information about the NAR assessment click here
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