Last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday the OKCMAR Board & the MLSOK Board had its' 2010 Planning Retreat. I must say that I was so extremely impressed with the dedicated effort and enthusiasm of all the attendees. This coming year we have a broad spectrum of experience and knowledge. Additionally, we are extremely fortunate to have the OKCMAR staff that we have who embrace the very same enthusiasm and dedicated effort that the Realtor Board Members demonstrated. Every step of the T.E.A.M. effort was discussed -- Technology, Education, Advocacy, and Marketing.
You will see a very busy agenda this coming year to enhance the positive image of OKCMAR in the marketplace through active community involvement and to work with political officials who believe in and have a track record with the REALTOR Party.
The members of the Board cannot do this without the active involvement of the individual Board Member. I can't say it enough that this is the Member's Board, and each of us has an equal share in the prosperity and longevity of our organization. Without Involvement, there is no Existence. I will repeat that, because it is important and I will be saying it quite a few times --
Without Involvement, there is no Existence.
The first thing I would emphasize is our upcoming
Affiliate Table Top show at the Marriott on
October 15th from 4:30 to 7:00pm. This is a show where our Affiliate Members, who pay dues, like you and I, display their services, and show you how they can assist you in your success. I cannot urge you enough to meet with all these businesses to learn about their services. The Affiliates have proven that they believe in OKCMAR and many of them have time and time again volunteered their services, time and additional dollars in support of OKCMAR. We need and must support our Affiliate members. They are part of our T.E.A.M.
Please make sure you attend the Table Top. All the 2010 Directors and Staff will be there. Come share your ideas!