Monday, August 30, 2010

Down for the Count!

Dear Readers:

I deeply apologize for my lack of posting this month. I started out the month with a trip to Chicago, my second hometown so to speak. My brother, mother and three sisters all live in Chicago. I was there for the leadership summit. I enjoyed my time with Pres-Elect, Steve Mann, and Commercial President-Elect, Bijan Babbolah. This year's summit was interesting. The part I liked the very best was listening to the NAR Outgoing, Incoming and First Vice President talk about what the NAR leadership experience had meant to them. Ron Phipps, Pres-Elect, was very impressive. He chose his words carefully and deliberately and I think his message was clear, "Seize the Day". That we only have today to impact our industry and our national and global economy. Each of us should be representing our profession to our utmost ability.

When I returned home it was to a deluge of medical issues. In fact today is the first full day I have been at work in two weeks. I am happy to report I am on the mend and will be happily writing for the autumn weeks to come.

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