Merry Christmas to all of OKCMAR and all blog readers. The year's end is always a time for thought and reflection. This year's inaugural celebration, in my mind, can be described with one word "Poignant". This was echoed by comments in the follow up survey. One member spoke of how touched she was that the REALTOR® leadership and award recipients were so proud of this industry and how much OKCMAR has meant to them. The event, held at the Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club, was filled to capacity! We apologize to those who attempted to register but missed the opportunity as there were no longer seats available... please register early next year.
2010 was a year of tenacity, housing sales trends were akin to a rollercoaster track. We saw many of our past leaders face health issues, we saw the passing of OKCMAR legends, we saw the youth and promise of our industry rise to leadership positions an embrace the philosophy of OKCMAR with the Green Resource Council, GenNext Network, and LT 7 programs all taking center stage of OKCMAR activity. This was all reflected in the inaugural itself. I personally felt a gratitude for this industry that has served us all so well. To see highlights of the acceptance speeches watch the videos by clicking here and please join us next year.
TECHNOLOGY- EDUCATION- ADVOCACY- MARKETING! A TEAM blog to communicate with the members about important issues and frequently asked questions. You don't need to sign in to comment-just click the comments link to on a post.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
And Here's the Rest of the Story....RPR
I am always a little taken aback when members express shock and awe about a board decision. I think where have you been? The board has been writing articles about this, doing surveys, blogging, hosting informational sessions, having task force review, blasting you weekly and asking for your feedback and then... there it is.... I never heard about this, why is the board being secretive, what did it gain in this decision. FIRST- you the member are the board so if there are any gains they are for you!
No greater care or length was taken than in the RPR decision; in fact this was before the board for over a year. We started with blogs, articles on the web and facebook. In March at the Spring Conference we had an objective leader in analyzing REALTOR® technologies, Brian Boero of 1000 watt consulting, do a 90 minute session on RPR- I believe they were over 100 members in attendance. We asked for feedback on the conference and started facebooking and tweeting about RPR in hopes to get more member input. Then in June we hosted another session at the Management Conference- we asked members to attend, blogged and blasted about it a lot, Board of Directors urged their associates to attend- this session was led by Ohan Antebien of RPR- we collected opinions through a survey that we asked everyone to fill out before they left. Again the overwhelming response was no. Again the board did not make a decision wanting more member input. We blogged about it some more and featured the session and links to RPR in over 20 separate eblasts throughout the year. We got virtually no feedback from the members through our online efforts. So the board put the issue before the large R&D advisory group who recommended not going forward with RPR.
There were several key issues- why do we need this our MLS offers all this already, I don't want to learn a new system, we are fearful NAR will charge us for our own data in the future as they did with REALTOR® .com, and why all the NAR secrecy about how it will be run? Although RPR says their product is free (which it is) MLS's would have to bear the development and integration costs from the MLS vendor (ours is core logic). Corelogic told the board they did not even yet have any technical requirements yet from RPR and could not even quote us in how much it would cost to develop and API for RPR.
We signed a different agreement with Corelogic which doesn't offer members a product but does use our data, no chance of reselling to our members because there is no product/service. Perhaps because we waited so long Corelogic gave us many incentives to sign with them and also because we indicated we would not sign unless we received member incentives. Corelogic has a similar dashboard that will be available for free as an upgrade to Tempo 5. They also significantly reduced the price of our public sided website which allowed the MLS to keep running it next year with no increase in fees to the member. They also kept out Tempo 5 software at the same price for the next three years so that we would not have to increase MLS fees. There is potential that MLSOK could receive revenue from Corelogic in years to come, meaning that as the cost of doing business goes up there should be revenue from Corelogic to offset those increases which in turn would allow us to keep our MLS fees the low $40.50 monthly and Lockbox Keys the low $20.50 per month (assumes pre-pay discount).
Always remember that the key offering of RPR is integrated tax data- something both Tulsa and OKCMAR members already receive through their MLS vendor. Many did not see the value of spending money to integrate with RPR and maintain their system with support staff for a tool we already enjoy. I look forward to your questions on this blog. And always remember, you the member are the board, so if the "board" realizes any gains through contract negotiation those gains are for you!
No greater care or length was taken than in the RPR decision; in fact this was before the board for over a year. We started with blogs, articles on the web and facebook. In March at the Spring Conference we had an objective leader in analyzing REALTOR® technologies, Brian Boero of 1000 watt consulting, do a 90 minute session on RPR- I believe they were over 100 members in attendance. We asked for feedback on the conference and started facebooking and tweeting about RPR in hopes to get more member input. Then in June we hosted another session at the Management Conference- we asked members to attend, blogged and blasted about it a lot, Board of Directors urged their associates to attend- this session was led by Ohan Antebien of RPR- we collected opinions through a survey that we asked everyone to fill out before they left. Again the overwhelming response was no. Again the board did not make a decision wanting more member input. We blogged about it some more and featured the session and links to RPR in over 20 separate eblasts throughout the year. We got virtually no feedback from the members through our online efforts. So the board put the issue before the large R&D advisory group who recommended not going forward with RPR.
There were several key issues- why do we need this our MLS offers all this already, I don't want to learn a new system, we are fearful NAR will charge us for our own data in the future as they did with REALTOR® .com, and why all the NAR secrecy about how it will be run? Although RPR says their product is free (which it is) MLS's would have to bear the development and integration costs from the MLS vendor (ours is core logic). Corelogic told the board they did not even yet have any technical requirements yet from RPR and could not even quote us in how much it would cost to develop and API for RPR.
We signed a different agreement with Corelogic which doesn't offer members a product but does use our data, no chance of reselling to our members because there is no product/service. Perhaps because we waited so long Corelogic gave us many incentives to sign with them and also because we indicated we would not sign unless we received member incentives. Corelogic has a similar dashboard that will be available for free as an upgrade to Tempo 5. They also significantly reduced the price of our public sided website which allowed the MLS to keep running it next year with no increase in fees to the member. They also kept out Tempo 5 software at the same price for the next three years so that we would not have to increase MLS fees. There is potential that MLSOK could receive revenue from Corelogic in years to come, meaning that as the cost of doing business goes up there should be revenue from Corelogic to offset those increases which in turn would allow us to keep our MLS fees the low $40.50 monthly and Lockbox Keys the low $20.50 per month (assumes pre-pay discount).
Always remember that the key offering of RPR is integrated tax data- something both Tulsa and OKCMAR members already receive through their MLS vendor. Many did not see the value of spending money to integrate with RPR and maintain their system with support staff for a tool we already enjoy. I look forward to your questions on this blog. And always remember, you the member are the board, so if the "board" realizes any gains through contract negotiation those gains are for you!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Beaujolais Nouveau A French Tradition Gone American
Although the last Thursday of the month of November is always Thanksgiving, there is another tradition in our fair city in November, it is the arrival of Beaujolais Nouveau. Every third Thursday of November at midnight cases and cases of Beaujolais Nouveau are opened to be sold all across the USA. Every purveyor agrees not to open their shipments or sell them until the midnight hour so that literally the world opens the Beaujolais Nouveau at the same midnight hour (although different time zones) as the residents of the French Province of Beaujolais. Beaujolais is just fun as witnessed by the bright colorful labels reminiscent of Mardi Gras. Beaujolais is also important- it is the first press of the first harvest of the season. The flavors of Beaujolais Nouveau are thought to be predictors of what this year's harvest will be. A great Beaujolais Nouveau year can mean big dollars as investors/wine collectors purchase wine that has not even been bottled yet! I have been taking a part of the Beaujolais celebration for the last 25 years. I always buy the wine for Thanksgiving for a happy year ahead. To find Beaujolais while there is some left Cellar Wine & Spirits on 90th and North May is a great store. They even bring items out to your car for you and their manager picks have never disappointed.
As my family gave thanks this holiday while toasting with Beaujolais Nouveau my thoughts turned back to OKCMAR. I thought about how the OKCMAR/MLSOK strategic planning retreat followed by the OAR membership conference are just like Beaujolais, a precursor of the harvest and year ahead. For OKCMAR 2011 the first press will be greater involvement in legislative advocacy but more in terms of building relationships to be looked at as the source of everything real estate in Oklahoma City. Since the retreat over 25 townships and OKC legislative leaders have received an individualized by township state of real estate report with an analysis. This is a much shorter (1 page) version of the comprehensive report available to brokers. If you are a broker and are not receiving this report you are missing a huge broker member benefit. To sign up for the e-report (delivered to the broker via email) click here!
When I attended the OAR conference I saw an organization poised to maximize its main asset, the membership. The strategic plan features many initiatives to link the locals (OKCMAR included) with the state. I saw this outreach earlier in August at the NAR Leadership Summit, where our incoming National President, Ron Phipps, gave a thoughtful and quietly powerful speech about our responsibility to "Seize the Day" and as REALTORS® comprehending that our actions, how we work within this market and change it, can change the world. His speech is on REALTOR® TV just click to watch. I see this as a year where REALTORS® come together to turn our economy and our industry into a new opportunity. We need to look at ourselves and the market differently.
It was understanding that a subtle shift in how we view our world could change it that was the impetus of 2011 President Steve Mann hopes to bring to the OKCMAR membership in his year. That is why he chose "Perspectives in Real Estate" as his theme for his year. If you haven't signed up yet for the free inaugural celebration there are only a handful of seats left so please register as soon as possible. The event, thanks to member Marilyn Torbett, will be held at the OKC Golf & Country Club this year. While at the inaugural reach out to your future leaders- let them know your perspective. So as I wrap up this post I leave you with the list of your 2011 Leaders.
2011 Past-President Dave Moeller
2011 President Steve Mann
2011 President Elect Lorna Koeninger
2011 Vice President Ryan Hukill
2011 Sec/Treas Mike Malone
Director- Cindy Cheatwood
Director- Gigi Faulkner
Director- Barbara Harris
Director- Jennifer Johnson
Director-Art Kastner
Director- Nels Pederson
Director- Shelly Pryor
Director- Kelly Willis
Commercial Director- Andrea Frymire
Affiliate Director- Max Dugan
President- Chuck Harris
Vice President-Jerri Shepherd
Sec/Treasurer- Gigi Faulkner
Ex-Officio- Steve Mann
Director- Julie Buthion
Director- Cyndi Cheatwood
Director- Barbara Harris
Director- Joe Pryor
Director- Keith Taggart
Director- Pat Townsend
As my family gave thanks this holiday while toasting with Beaujolais Nouveau my thoughts turned back to OKCMAR. I thought about how the OKCMAR/MLSOK strategic planning retreat followed by the OAR membership conference are just like Beaujolais, a precursor of the harvest and year ahead. For OKCMAR 2011 the first press will be greater involvement in legislative advocacy but more in terms of building relationships to be looked at as the source of everything real estate in Oklahoma City. Since the retreat over 25 townships and OKC legislative leaders have received an individualized by township state of real estate report with an analysis. This is a much shorter (1 page) version of the comprehensive report available to brokers. If you are a broker and are not receiving this report you are missing a huge broker member benefit. To sign up for the e-report (delivered to the broker via email) click here!
When I attended the OAR conference I saw an organization poised to maximize its main asset, the membership. The strategic plan features many initiatives to link the locals (OKCMAR included) with the state. I saw this outreach earlier in August at the NAR Leadership Summit, where our incoming National President, Ron Phipps, gave a thoughtful and quietly powerful speech about our responsibility to "Seize the Day" and as REALTORS® comprehending that our actions, how we work within this market and change it, can change the world. His speech is on REALTOR® TV just click to watch. I see this as a year where REALTORS® come together to turn our economy and our industry into a new opportunity. We need to look at ourselves and the market differently.
It was understanding that a subtle shift in how we view our world could change it that was the impetus of 2011 President Steve Mann hopes to bring to the OKCMAR membership in his year. That is why he chose "Perspectives in Real Estate" as his theme for his year. If you haven't signed up yet for the free inaugural celebration there are only a handful of seats left so please register as soon as possible. The event, thanks to member Marilyn Torbett, will be held at the OKC Golf & Country Club this year. While at the inaugural reach out to your future leaders- let them know your perspective. So as I wrap up this post I leave you with the list of your 2011 Leaders.
2011 Past-President Dave Moeller
2011 President Steve Mann
2011 President Elect Lorna Koeninger
2011 Vice President Ryan Hukill
2011 Sec/Treas Mike Malone
Director- Cindy Cheatwood
Director- Gigi Faulkner
Director- Barbara Harris
Director- Jennifer Johnson
Director-Art Kastner
Director- Nels Pederson
Director- Shelly Pryor
Director- Kelly Willis
Commercial Director- Andrea Frymire
Affiliate Director- Max Dugan
President- Chuck Harris
Vice President-Jerri Shepherd
Sec/Treasurer- Gigi Faulkner
Ex-Officio- Steve Mann
Director- Julie Buthion
Director- Cyndi Cheatwood
Director- Barbara Harris
Director- Joe Pryor
Director- Keith Taggart
Director- Pat Townsend
Friday, November 19, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
NAR Convention 2010
Having recently returned from the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) Meeting in New Orleans, I wanted to pass along some information and insight of the meeting to our membership.
Besides all the entertainment and keynote speakers, I must say that the Trade Show portion of the meeting is quite impressive. There was over 400 Exhibitors present on the Expo floor showcasing their real estate resources, including mobile computing, wireless communications, first time home buyer programs, listing services, marketing tools, and specialized software.
Speaking with Realtors from across the country, I must say that our Association and MLS stands at the forefront of technology and Board resources available to members. Our own Dawn Kennedy, CE of OKCMAR/MLS was chosen to make a presentation to all Association Executives across the nation, and was appointed to the NAR AE RCE Sub-committee. This is the group that puts together the course materials and the tests for Assn Execs to get their Realtor Certified Executive (RCE) designation.
I was able to attend many seminars that were offered by NAR. I brought back information on the 3.8% Home Sale Tax that Congress voted on in the last minutes of the Health Care debate, and was never introduced, discussed or reviewed. This will begin January 1, 2013 unless changed. I have scanned this information and will be glad to email it to anybody desiring this information.
Other interesting seminars that I attended were:
• Green Labels Sell Homes
• Developing Successful Luxury Home Marketing Plans
• Lead, Empowerment, Accountability, and Development of Realtors
• Negotiating the Commercial Lease
• Data Security and Privacy
• Emerging Technologies
• The Evolution of Real Estate Marketing
• Short Sales: Is HAFA the answer?
• RESPA Guidance: Home Warranties, GFE, and HUD1
I also brought back a packet of Committee Recommendations from the Board of Directors meeting.
One seminar that was very informative, as well as entertaining and humorous, was Mid-Term Elections-What just happened? It was a packed room to listen to Paul Bogala, a CNN commentator, and Tucker Carlson, a FOX News commentator.
It is amazing how much work goes on behind the scenes in all of OKCMAR, OAR, and NAR that helps us in our daily activities. It is nice to know that it all fits together.
Besides all the entertainment and keynote speakers, I must say that the Trade Show portion of the meeting is quite impressive. There was over 400 Exhibitors present on the Expo floor showcasing their real estate resources, including mobile computing, wireless communications, first time home buyer programs, listing services, marketing tools, and specialized software.
Speaking with Realtors from across the country, I must say that our Association and MLS stands at the forefront of technology and Board resources available to members. Our own Dawn Kennedy, CE of OKCMAR/MLS was chosen to make a presentation to all Association Executives across the nation, and was appointed to the NAR AE RCE Sub-committee. This is the group that puts together the course materials and the tests for Assn Execs to get their Realtor Certified Executive (RCE) designation.
I was able to attend many seminars that were offered by NAR. I brought back information on the 3.8% Home Sale Tax that Congress voted on in the last minutes of the Health Care debate, and was never introduced, discussed or reviewed. This will begin January 1, 2013 unless changed. I have scanned this information and will be glad to email it to anybody desiring this information.
Other interesting seminars that I attended were:
• Green Labels Sell Homes
• Developing Successful Luxury Home Marketing Plans
• Lead, Empowerment, Accountability, and Development of Realtors
• Negotiating the Commercial Lease
• Data Security and Privacy
• Emerging Technologies
• The Evolution of Real Estate Marketing
• Short Sales: Is HAFA the answer?
• RESPA Guidance: Home Warranties, GFE, and HUD1
I also brought back a packet of Committee Recommendations from the Board of Directors meeting.
One seminar that was very informative, as well as entertaining and humorous, was Mid-Term Elections-What just happened? It was a packed room to listen to Paul Bogala, a CNN commentator, and Tucker Carlson, a FOX News commentator.
It is amazing how much work goes on behind the scenes in all of OKCMAR, OAR, and NAR that helps us in our daily activities. It is nice to know that it all fits together.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Woof! Woof!
DISCLAIMER: THIS POST IS THE PERSONAL OPINION OF THE CEO and is no way to be read as a statement from the Board of Directors of OKCMAR. OKCMAR is not endorsing this message and claims no liability for its content.
Now that we have that over with, lets get to talking! As many of the regular readers may know, my daughter, Paige "GiGi", attends Bishop McGuiness High School, where community service is a requirement of attendance. Last Saturday we volunteered at the OKC animal shelter, the SINGULAR shelter in our large two-tier city. We were able to get a special pass, as GiGi is not 18, to work for the day as long as I accompanied her at all times.
Even though I have three, yes three! dogs (all beautiful cocker spaniels- we now have Copper as my other daughter, Megan, was not allowed to keep him in her new rental) I had a blast! This was one of the most rewarding days I have ever spent. We spent 3 hours walking the dogs of the pound and just playing with them. They are all so precious, such a gift to us humans! My heart broke for little Tatoo who was so timid she didn't want to go out of her cage. But once she was out and finally started walking with us, I am happy to report that she frolicked and crawled in our lap and ran and gave us hundreds of kisses. It was very hard for me to leave her there. I am extremely happy to report that she was adopted!
While we were there we saw Kelsi (who we also walked) and an unnamed puppy that we walked were adopted! We took out this older little charmer Henri- who did somersaults in his cage to get our attention and he too was adopted. Kibbles a beautiful gray blue brindle pup who was the sweetest thing also now has a home. However, one of my favorites, Gremlin "Grim" a black boxer mix who was incredible is still at the shelter waiting for a home. Gremlin was such an amazing walker- we walked him the longest. When we stopped, he stopped. If we stopped for longer than a minute to talk he sat down and waited for us to start. He gave us a gazillion kisses and sat in our lap. I wish I could take Gremlin home but I can't - our subdivision has a limit on how many dogs you can have.
I hope that maybe one of you will go visit Gremlin- you might just fall in love, like I did. Here is his information:
I am a neutered male, black and white Boxer mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 7 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 20, 2010.
This information is 1 hour old.
All are encouraged to visit us the Oklahoma City Animal Shelter, 2811 SE 29th Street (1.5 miles East of I-35 on SE 29th), between the hours of noon and 5:45 p.m. every day except holidays.The shelter pets are looking forward to seeing you!
And please if one of you does fall in love, tell us all about it through the blog comments and send me a photo of the two of you to post at
Now that we have that over with, lets get to talking! As many of the regular readers may know, my daughter, Paige "GiGi", attends Bishop McGuiness High School, where community service is a requirement of attendance. Last Saturday we volunteered at the OKC animal shelter, the SINGULAR shelter in our large two-tier city. We were able to get a special pass, as GiGi is not 18, to work for the day as long as I accompanied her at all times.
Even though I have three, yes three! dogs (all beautiful cocker spaniels- we now have Copper as my other daughter, Megan, was not allowed to keep him in her new rental) I had a blast! This was one of the most rewarding days I have ever spent. We spent 3 hours walking the dogs of the pound and just playing with them. They are all so precious, such a gift to us humans! My heart broke for little Tatoo who was so timid she didn't want to go out of her cage. But once she was out and finally started walking with us, I am happy to report that she frolicked and crawled in our lap and ran and gave us hundreds of kisses. It was very hard for me to leave her there. I am extremely happy to report that she was adopted!
While we were there we saw Kelsi (who we also walked) and an unnamed puppy that we walked were adopted! We took out this older little charmer Henri- who did somersaults in his cage to get our attention and he too was adopted. Kibbles a beautiful gray blue brindle pup who was the sweetest thing also now has a home. However, one of my favorites, Gremlin "Grim" a black boxer mix who was incredible is still at the shelter waiting for a home. Gremlin was such an amazing walker- we walked him the longest. When we stopped, he stopped. If we stopped for longer than a minute to talk he sat down and waited for us to start. He gave us a gazillion kisses and sat in our lap. I wish I could take Gremlin home but I can't - our subdivision has a limit on how many dogs you can have.
I hope that maybe one of you will go visit Gremlin- you might just fall in love, like I did. Here is his information:
I am a neutered male, black and white Boxer mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 7 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 20, 2010.
This information is 1 hour old.
All are encouraged to visit us the Oklahoma City Animal Shelter, 2811 SE 29th Street (1.5 miles East of I-35 on SE 29th), between the hours of noon and 5:45 p.m. every day except holidays.The shelter pets are looking forward to seeing you!
For more information about this animal, call: Oklahoma City Animal Shelter at (405) 297-3100 Ask for information about animal ID number A067718 |
And please if one of you does fall in love, tell us all about it through the blog comments and send me a photo of the two of you to post at
OKCMAR Elects its Officers
Each year the OKCMAR Board of Directors elects its officers. I am proud to announce the 2010 OKCMAR officers: Vice President: Ryan Hukill- Sec /Treasurer: Mike Malone- President-Elect: Lorna Koeninger- President: Steve Mann- Past President- Dave Moeller.
We welcome the new incoming directors: Andrea Frymire (Commercial Seat) Art Kastner , Nels Pederson, Shelly Pryor & Kelly Willis!
However for every new director that means a director who has given years of service is rolling off the board. I wish to personally thank those outgoing directors who gave of their time, talent, energy and personal resources. Each of you have meant a great deal to me and to OKCMAR. Your contribution was significant as we kept dues at the same low $125 per year but increased services. Under your guidance OKCMAR now offers post licensing, designations and community outreach CE days. With your leadership we have seen the formation of the Green Resource Council, GenNext and the Leadership Tommorrow 7. During your term OKCMAR now is involved in all the channels of social media and prints a newsmagazine.
The greatest gift (in my humble opinion) that the board of 2010, led by the fearless OKCMAR President, Dave Moeller, gave to the membership was transparency. OKCMAR minutes are now posted in the e-blasts and a complete financial report including all account balances/balance sheet and income/expense sheet were posted for every member to see and print out if they desired. MLS financial reports were mailed to all the MLS Participants (Broker-Mangager & Broker-Owners).
Many of you gave far more than your fair share to RPAC including three Sterling "R"'s (Dave Moeller of Redbud Realty, Bijan Babollah of Coldwell Banker Select & Mary Berry of C-21 All Pro).
Thank you again to the wonderful 2010 OKCMAR Board of Directors!
If you happen to be involved in a transaction with these amazing REALTORS® please thank them for all they have done to raise OKCMAR to the highest professional standards and for their contribution to the real estate industry!
Our outgoing directors: Bijan Babollah (Commercial) Mary Berry, Julie Buthion, Karen Johnston, & Morrie Shepherd.
Like Dorothy said, "I will miss you all!"
We welcome the new incoming directors: Andrea Frymire (Commercial Seat) Art Kastner , Nels Pederson, Shelly Pryor & Kelly Willis!
However for every new director that means a director who has given years of service is rolling off the board. I wish to personally thank those outgoing directors who gave of their time, talent, energy and personal resources. Each of you have meant a great deal to me and to OKCMAR. Your contribution was significant as we kept dues at the same low $125 per year but increased services. Under your guidance OKCMAR now offers post licensing, designations and community outreach CE days. With your leadership we have seen the formation of the Green Resource Council, GenNext and the Leadership Tommorrow 7. During your term OKCMAR now is involved in all the channels of social media and prints a newsmagazine.
The greatest gift (in my humble opinion) that the board of 2010, led by the fearless OKCMAR President, Dave Moeller, gave to the membership was transparency. OKCMAR minutes are now posted in the e-blasts and a complete financial report including all account balances/balance sheet and income/expense sheet were posted for every member to see and print out if they desired. MLS financial reports were mailed to all the MLS Participants (Broker-Mangager & Broker-Owners).
Many of you gave far more than your fair share to RPAC including three Sterling "R"'s (Dave Moeller of Redbud Realty, Bijan Babollah of Coldwell Banker Select & Mary Berry of C-21 All Pro).
Thank you again to the wonderful 2010 OKCMAR Board of Directors!
If you happen to be involved in a transaction with these amazing REALTORS® please thank them for all they have done to raise OKCMAR to the highest professional standards and for their contribution to the real estate industry!
Our outgoing directors: Bijan Babollah (Commercial) Mary Berry, Julie Buthion, Karen Johnston, & Morrie Shepherd.
Like Dorothy said, "I will miss you all!"
Monday, October 25, 2010
Time to Bid Farewell
No sooner did we get back from the Board Retreats then we were off to the OAR conference. This conference had top notch speakers including an opportunity to meet and ask questions of Jari Askins. Congratulations to the Oklahoma REALTOR® of the Year, Dennis Nevius, of EAR!
At the conference luncheon, our state EVP Lisa Yates, announced her resignation after a decade of service to the Oklahoma real estate community. Lisa will be very missed. She will be staying on through the next legislative session. If you have the opportunity, please thank Lisa for the tireless service she has given every REALTOR® in Oklahoma.
At the conference luncheon, our state EVP Lisa Yates, announced her resignation after a decade of service to the Oklahoma real estate community. Lisa will be very missed. She will be staying on through the next legislative session. If you have the opportunity, please thank Lisa for the tireless service she has given every REALTOR® in Oklahoma.
Board Retreat and Other Things
OKCMAR & MLSOK held a join retreat earlier this month. While I need to take all my notes and put them on paper I do have a solid idea of what the plan is for 2011. Several focus groups were held prior to the retreat. Thank you to all who participated! This helped to give us an environmental scan to work with. Overwhelming all groups believed the market would stay consistent with what it is now for the next year. The Frank-Dodd bill will force changes by January in how we do business which will affect forms as well as financing and appraisal. I urge all of you who read the blog to emphasize with your colleagues how important it will be to read the weekly e-blasts and message of the day in the year ahead.
OKCMAR's focus this year will be communication channels with the membership. As staff we spend a lot of time communicating through different channels in hopes to reach the majority of membership. Currently, OKCMAR members receive information through the weekly blast, website, MLS message of the day, networking events, post cards, quarterly magazine, facebook, twitter, texts and this blog. What we learned is that this is not enough effort to reach most of you. We will now look not to channel diversification but group segmentation. We will revise our communications to tailor messages to specific groups: New Member, General Audience, Commercial, Single Ownership Brokerage, Multiple or Franchise Ownership Brokerages, RPAC Investors & Top Producers. You will see in January the eblast going out monthly versus weekly with timely single audience messages regarding important information.
Education will focus on segmented needs versus a ton of classes with limited attendance. Expect to see a more varied educational effort with less focus on CE- although the core CE classes will still be available each quarter. OKCMAR has pruned its Quality of Life Initiative to hone in on the private property rights segment. The consensus was that OKCMAR should focus its activities not on public/consumer outreach but on informing and educating the membership. In 2011 there will be more focus groups and outreach to the appraisal and lending community to ensure that the groups are working together to overcome massive legislative changes in how we do business due to the Frank-Dodd bill. Our public outreach will be concentrated through a C-4 where we will reach out to the entire real estate community. Again much effort will be spent raising dollars for RPAC.
Networking will also be segmented with the two large conferences serving the general audience and smaller networking opportunities by membership segments. The luncheons will be audience targeted.
We will look to expand our affiliate network as well.
In MLS, the message of the day will be revamped. A consensus was no new tools in the MLS and increase communication about what is available. There was discussion of field changes and the need to work together with the lending and appraisal community. More training will be moved to online. The CIE will work to bring together the commercial community. Smaller broker segmented informational meetings about MLS offerings and law changes. In conjunction with OKCMAR the broker support services will be taken up a notch or three! Also in the works a comprehensive review of the Rules & Regulations to ensure that rules align with local market practice. Through the broker blasts we hope to give the brokers the tools to address legislative changes at their staff meetings.
OKCMAR's focus this year will be communication channels with the membership. As staff we spend a lot of time communicating through different channels in hopes to reach the majority of membership. Currently, OKCMAR members receive information through the weekly blast, website, MLS message of the day, networking events, post cards, quarterly magazine, facebook, twitter, texts and this blog. What we learned is that this is not enough effort to reach most of you. We will now look not to channel diversification but group segmentation. We will revise our communications to tailor messages to specific groups: New Member, General Audience, Commercial, Single Ownership Brokerage, Multiple or Franchise Ownership Brokerages, RPAC Investors & Top Producers. You will see in January the eblast going out monthly versus weekly with timely single audience messages regarding important information.
Education will focus on segmented needs versus a ton of classes with limited attendance. Expect to see a more varied educational effort with less focus on CE- although the core CE classes will still be available each quarter. OKCMAR has pruned its Quality of Life Initiative to hone in on the private property rights segment. The consensus was that OKCMAR should focus its activities not on public/consumer outreach but on informing and educating the membership. In 2011 there will be more focus groups and outreach to the appraisal and lending community to ensure that the groups are working together to overcome massive legislative changes in how we do business due to the Frank-Dodd bill. Our public outreach will be concentrated through a C-4 where we will reach out to the entire real estate community. Again much effort will be spent raising dollars for RPAC.
Networking will also be segmented with the two large conferences serving the general audience and smaller networking opportunities by membership segments. The luncheons will be audience targeted.
We will look to expand our affiliate network as well.
In MLS, the message of the day will be revamped. A consensus was no new tools in the MLS and increase communication about what is available. There was discussion of field changes and the need to work together with the lending and appraisal community. More training will be moved to online. The CIE will work to bring together the commercial community. Smaller broker segmented informational meetings about MLS offerings and law changes. In conjunction with OKCMAR the broker support services will be taken up a notch or three! Also in the works a comprehensive review of the Rules & Regulations to ensure that rules align with local market practice. Through the broker blasts we hope to give the brokers the tools to address legislative changes at their staff meetings.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Live from the Conference- Brian Boero!
I have about 10% battery left so hopefully I can capture this in real time. If not, I will take notes and transfer on to the blog. Sites, Apps and Ideas to Spark your Vision. Boero says we are in a standoff- Broker/Tech Vendor/MLS and while we are fighting it out the consumer is moving on and the person laying on the floor is the agent. How do we move from value proposition to a value-added proposition?
The Iphone ripped the control of the phone experience from the carriers and left them in the dust, We need to make sure that someone/something doesn't rip the MLS experience away from us; the brokers, vendor techs and MLS's. Here is a site to check out Airbnb (property merchandising).Make it easy for the vendor to innovate in our platform. Data standards is the way to make innovation happen. The noise of technology and the internal politics of Broker vs. MLS is holding back technology.
MLS must start communicating clearly. Members do not understand what MLS staff does and what MLS tools are available and what they can help them with. Email clearly and execute well. Start sending out Tips/ Intelligence Bits versus "News".
Chimpadeedoo- for Ipad- sign up for newsletters
Yammer- Set up your own facebook within your own organization
Quora- Q&A Site about neighborhoods- leverage the information REALTORS possess within the MLS platform
Opzi- Knowledge Base Platform.
Factual- Free API about 14million points of interest in the USA- enhance your data Create mobile optimized listing flyer for every property
ListGlobally- advertise your listings around the world (syndication)
Dropbox- cloud based document storage
Create an experience- Do the members feel good about themselves and feel good about the association/MLSOK when they are interacting with the MLS? I am out of battery so will post now and update later....
The Iphone ripped the control of the phone experience from the carriers and left them in the dust, We need to make sure that someone/something doesn't rip the MLS experience away from us; the brokers, vendor techs and MLS's. Here is a site to check out Airbnb (property merchandising).Make it easy for the vendor to innovate in our platform. Data standards is the way to make innovation happen. The noise of technology and the internal politics of Broker vs. MLS is holding back technology.
MLS must start communicating clearly. Members do not understand what MLS staff does and what MLS tools are available and what they can help them with. Email clearly and execute well. Start sending out Tips/ Intelligence Bits versus "News".
Chimpadeedoo- for Ipad- sign up for newsletters
Yammer- Set up your own facebook within your own organization
Quora- Q&A Site about neighborhoods- leverage the information REALTORS possess within the MLS platform
Opzi- Knowledge Base Platform.
Factual- Free API about 14million points of interest in the USA- enhance your data Create mobile optimized listing flyer for every property
ListGlobally- advertise your listings around the world (syndication)
Dropbox- cloud based document storage
Create an experience- Do the members feel good about themselves and feel good about the association/MLSOK when they are interacting with the MLS? I am out of battery so will post now and update later....
What Do Brokers Want from Their MLS
From Clariety Consulting Live Presentation at the CMLS (They interviewed the top 900 brokerage firms in the USA)
MLS Consumer facing website- pretty much even split
Sold data on consumer facing website- 78% of the nation's brokers are opposed to it
60% do not want sold data to be available in IDX for brokers' websites
Are they in favor of MLS listing syndication 53% support
Broker rating of MLS's who syndicate -80% believe MLS's are doing a good job at syndication
42% of brokers support the RPR initiative 26% undecided with 42% against- again a pretty even split
Data licensing to who would display off market data- 52% oppose
How satisfied are you with RETS -- 40% satisfied
Dot.MLS are you in favor of this initiative- 80% opposed
Are you satisfied with the current pace of MLS consolidations 51% yes 49% no
How many MLS's would you like to see five years from now:
1- 15%
Several Multi-state MLS's 32%
Adjoining MSA MLS's 18%
A few hundred 20%
The current number we have now 14%
86% want some MLS consolidation
If you had a chance to tell your MLS CEO what you wanted what would you say:
( he stated there were a lot but he only read the top ones- see below)
Rename the MLS
Do not get trapped by NAR into a long term deal with no revenue
NAR needs to strongly urge MLS consolidation
I dislike that my brokerage charges $6000 annually for an IDX feed (not a typo- $6000!)
What would you like to tell me? The leadership and the staff are listening- feel free to comment here on this forum
MLS Consumer facing website- pretty much even split
Sold data on consumer facing website- 78% of the nation's brokers are opposed to it
60% do not want sold data to be available in IDX for brokers' websites
Are they in favor of MLS listing syndication 53% support
Broker rating of MLS's who syndicate -80% believe MLS's are doing a good job at syndication
42% of brokers support the RPR initiative 26% undecided with 42% against- again a pretty even split
Data licensing to who would display off market data- 52% oppose
How satisfied are you with RETS -- 40% satisfied
Dot.MLS are you in favor of this initiative- 80% opposed
Are you satisfied with the current pace of MLS consolidations 51% yes 49% no
How many MLS's would you like to see five years from now:
1- 15%
Several Multi-state MLS's 32%
Adjoining MSA MLS's 18%
A few hundred 20%
The current number we have now 14%
86% want some MLS consolidation
If you had a chance to tell your MLS CEO what you wanted what would you say:
( he stated there were a lot but he only read the top ones- see below)
Rename the MLS
Do not get trapped by NAR into a long term deal with no revenue
NAR needs to strongly urge MLS consolidation
I dislike that my brokerage charges $6000 annually for an IDX feed (not a typo- $6000!)
What would you like to tell me? The leadership and the staff are listening- feel free to comment here on this forum
7 Timeless Skills for Any REALTOR®
I have learned that success in life and in business often hinges on paying attention to the basics. I am at the CMLS conference and while it is very good a lot of the presentations seem to be about chasing the next "NEW" thing. At the Swanpoel presentation I saw how technology is moving more quickly and I could see how each generation has created and used one central thing until it becomes mainstream. For example, before the laptop or even Dell was created I paid almost $4000 to have a computer built (Yes that is how it was done in the early 90's) for my business. Today you can buy them for under $400 and laptops now at that range too. Because computers became mainstream, companies and the public profited from the economies of scale. Swanpoel tells us that computers will soon be obsolete and the cell phone will become the world's primary computing device. I have watched several presentations of the latest and greatest this week and thought it was appropriate to remind everyone that while technology is essential, the newest neat toy or application can not replace the very basics of the real estate business. Things like introducing yourself and following up on every lead. NAR realeased this article today- please make sure you are paying attention to the building blocks of our business as well as the spinning tops and flashing lights. Read the Article
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Congrats to the New 2011 Directors!
This year we smashed election voting records! Electronic voting really has opened up the process to many more members than we have had in the past. Our new directors are Art Kastener, Nels Pederson, Shelly Pryor & Kelly Willis. This is a lot of talent and diversified strengths coming into our board!
As you may be aware we have moved to 3year terms with groups of 4 directors being added each year. Your 2011 directors will be President Steve Mann, Past-President Dave Moeller, Bill Bateman, Cindy Cheatwood, Gigi Faulkner, Barbara Harris,Ryan Hukill, Jennifer Johnson, Art Kastner, Lorma Koeninger, Mike Malone, Nels Pederson Shelly Pryor & Kelli Willis.
We will not know who will be President-Elect, Vice President & Secretary-Treasurer, Affiliate Seat & RCA Seat until those positions are nominated and voted on. RCA seat is filled when the RCA has their elections later this month.
I am very happy again with the diversity on our board, we have small, midsize and large brokerages, a large independent, and several franchises are represented: Coldwell Banker, Prudential Alliance Real Estate, RE/MAX & Keller Williams. Our representatives stretch from Edmond, NW OKC, South OKC, Piedmont to Yukon.
2011 will be a great year!
As you may be aware we have moved to 3year terms with groups of 4 directors being added each year. Your 2011 directors will be President Steve Mann, Past-President Dave Moeller, Bill Bateman, Cindy Cheatwood, Gigi Faulkner, Barbara Harris,Ryan Hukill, Jennifer Johnson, Art Kastner, Lorma Koeninger, Mike Malone, Nels Pederson Shelly Pryor & Kelli Willis.
We will not know who will be President-Elect, Vice President & Secretary-Treasurer, Affiliate Seat & RCA Seat until those positions are nominated and voted on. RCA seat is filled when the RCA has their elections later this month.
I am very happy again with the diversity on our board, we have small, midsize and large brokerages, a large independent, and several franchises are represented: Coldwell Banker, Prudential Alliance Real Estate, RE/MAX & Keller Williams. Our representatives stretch from Edmond, NW OKC, South OKC, Piedmont to Yukon.
2011 will be a great year!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Make Every Dollar You Pay in Dues and Fees Count!!
For the life of me I do not understand why every member would not want to squeeze every possible benefit and monetary rebate from their dues and fees available to them! One of the core tenets of our existence as an association is that we are sworn to uphold and promote the professional standards of our industry. It is a part of our corporate charter and we must report those activities on our IRS 990. MLSOK, although a for profit entity, also works to return any profit generated back to the members in tools and services. MLSOK underwrites many of the conference activities as a means to rebate the members while assisting OKCMAR in achieving the requirements of our corporate charter and non-profit status. Only $125 of your REALTOR® dues stays at OKCMAR- the rest are sent to the Oklahoma Assn of REALTORS® (state) and the National Assn of REALTORS® (national). That is $10.25 cents per month per OKCMAR member.
By sponsoring conference events, MLSOK can promote the industry that supports it. Many of our educational opportunities are free, including past conferences. This year OKCMAR is requiring a $69 enrollment fee for the two days of the conference. $60 covers the cost of two luncheons charged by the Reed Center. $9 of each registration goes to the hotel for some of the usage fee. Included in the conference are breakfast and afternoon snack breaks and the cost of the expo which features free appetizers and cocktail service.
So the entrance fee covers your meals and beverages. The actual conference and all of its incredible information, education and networking opportunities is in essence completely free and your dues and fees dollars at work! The conference is bringing in national speakers, Janelle Odishoo, who will teach you how to make all that social media activity a profit center, Marsha Petrie Sue who will share the secrets of success to running your own small business, and local, but nationally reknown, motivational and inspirational speaker, Stan Toler who will inspire you and propel your business to the next level!
Joyce Painter is offering the residential Green Designation Elective Course and Dr. Bart Binning the Commercial Green Elective Course. Dan Sight will be teaching the commercial CE course, Financial Analysis and Melynn Sight will be teaching the CE course Writing for Real Estate which is applicable to all REALTORS regardless of specialty. Kristi Randall is offering her extremely popular CE Class, I Hate Math. In addition there are two showing assist labs with Kathleen Forester of Showing Assist, CIE labs for the commercial practioner and learning how to set up a blog. Bring your laptops and follow along.
But that is just the beginning! Various committees are presenting 45 minutes Quick Learns about pertinent real estate issues such as FHA requirements and going paperless and how to invest for retirement. There are also several panel discussions covering financing and title insurance requirements. WOW! My head is spinning! Investing a small amount for your meals and squeezing every benefit out of what you already are paying. How could anyone not want to register for this event?
Still not convinced at how worthwhile your attendance will be to your career? The two luncheons are all about you, the member! The first day is the OKCMAR election luncheon and the second day is the Awards luncheon where outstanding OKCMAR members will be recognized for their achievements in innovation, leadership and RPAC committment.
Register Today by clicking here....
By sponsoring conference events, MLSOK can promote the industry that supports it. Many of our educational opportunities are free, including past conferences. This year OKCMAR is requiring a $69 enrollment fee for the two days of the conference. $60 covers the cost of two luncheons charged by the Reed Center. $9 of each registration goes to the hotel for some of the usage fee. Included in the conference are breakfast and afternoon snack breaks and the cost of the expo which features free appetizers and cocktail service.
So the entrance fee covers your meals and beverages. The actual conference and all of its incredible information, education and networking opportunities is in essence completely free and your dues and fees dollars at work! The conference is bringing in national speakers, Janelle Odishoo, who will teach you how to make all that social media activity a profit center, Marsha Petrie Sue who will share the secrets of success to running your own small business, and local, but nationally reknown, motivational and inspirational speaker, Stan Toler who will inspire you and propel your business to the next level!
Joyce Painter is offering the residential Green Designation Elective Course and Dr. Bart Binning the Commercial Green Elective Course. Dan Sight will be teaching the commercial CE course, Financial Analysis and Melynn Sight will be teaching the CE course Writing for Real Estate which is applicable to all REALTORS regardless of specialty. Kristi Randall is offering her extremely popular CE Class, I Hate Math. In addition there are two showing assist labs with Kathleen Forester of Showing Assist, CIE labs for the commercial practioner and learning how to set up a blog. Bring your laptops and follow along.
But that is just the beginning! Various committees are presenting 45 minutes Quick Learns about pertinent real estate issues such as FHA requirements and going paperless and how to invest for retirement. There are also several panel discussions covering financing and title insurance requirements. WOW! My head is spinning! Investing a small amount for your meals and squeezing every benefit out of what you already are paying. How could anyone not want to register for this event?
Still not convinced at how worthwhile your attendance will be to your career? The two luncheons are all about you, the member! The first day is the OKCMAR election luncheon and the second day is the Awards luncheon where outstanding OKCMAR members will be recognized for their achievements in innovation, leadership and RPAC committment.
Register Today by clicking here....
How does the HWC Rule affect you?
I have received a few calls over the last couple of weeks requesting that OKCMAR comment about the recent addition to the Rules and Regulations pertaining to the new HUD statement about RESPA and their summary regarding Home Warranty Companies’ payments to Real Estate Brokers and Agents.
After reading the information, I find it broadly open to interpretation, with specifics that deal with a lot of probability and what if’s.
Needless to say, it would be extremely difficult for the OKCMAR Board to render a suggested course of action with this issue, for a number of reasons.
Firstly, it is a RESPA issue, which means it is a Federal Government issue.
Secondly, HUD’s interpretive rule does offer some examples of services that it regards as potentially compensable.
The HWC Rule was open for public comment through July 26th 2010, and any comment OKCMAR would offer at this point will be disqualified as outside the timeline. However, because RESPA is a federal ruling, your National Association of REALTORS® did submit a comment to the ruling and is working hard on your behalf. This is exactly where your RPAC dollars become so important to the industry. To read NAR's comment on the ruling click here:
Confused yet? I urge you to read the rule at to come up with your own interpretation.
The best thing to do for us, the REALTOR®, is to consult with your Broker to determine how your Company views this legislation.
After reading the information, I find it broadly open to interpretation, with specifics that deal with a lot of probability and what if’s.
Needless to say, it would be extremely difficult for the OKCMAR Board to render a suggested course of action with this issue, for a number of reasons.
Firstly, it is a RESPA issue, which means it is a Federal Government issue.
Secondly, HUD’s interpretive rule does offer some examples of services that it regards as potentially compensable.
The HWC Rule was open for public comment through July 26th 2010, and any comment OKCMAR would offer at this point will be disqualified as outside the timeline. However, because RESPA is a federal ruling, your National Association of REALTORS® did submit a comment to the ruling and is working hard on your behalf. This is exactly where your RPAC dollars become so important to the industry. To read NAR's comment on the ruling click here:
Confused yet? I urge you to read the rule at to come up with your own interpretation.
The best thing to do for us, the REALTOR®, is to consult with your Broker to determine how your Company views this legislation.
Don't Practice What You Don't Know
Short sales are a tricky business and not for the faint of heart or for the inexperienced. Over the past year the association has put out a great deal of information on the short sale process. However, reading information alone does not an expert make. Before you decide to take on the short sale process think about the skills you bring to the table. Are you adequately prepared and knowledgeable to complete this transaction? Are you the best person for the job? I know that this is harsh but over and over statistical data bears out that those REALTORS® who specialize in a field or market are those that survive and thrive over the long term. There are REALTORS® out there who specialize in short sales and have for several years. They know the ins and outs and many are either Loss-Mitigation Certifed (LMC), Certified Distressed Property Experts (CDPE) or Short Sale and Forclosure Resource (SFR) certified.
I believe that every practicing OKCMAR REALTOR® out there wants to do the very best for their clients and customers. The OKCMAR logo is the sign of quality. From our outstanding MLS, our syndication system to our public-sided search site to our phenomenal education programs, being an OKCMAR REALTOR® says to your clients; YOU ARE THE VERY BEST! So what do you do if one of your best customers or clients comes to you with a short sale opportunity? If you are not skilled and knowlegeable in the short sale process your best bet (Remembering that your time equals money out of your net income-the more time you spend on a transaction the less per hour you are making per transaction) may be to refer your client to a short sale expert.
A simple phone call followed by a policy letter can assure that you are paid a referral fee, your client has the benefit of your input (knowing his/her situation, likes/dislikes etc) and is grateful for a swift and clean short sale transaction. Your client knows that you have his/her best interests at the forefront of your actions and is more likely to refer other business your way. You also avoid the liability pitfalls that these tricky sales can sometimes result in.
If you have been participating in short sale transactions successfully and see this as a market specialization you may want to pursue get SFR certified. Please note that the SFR is the NAR certification and is the only program currently sanctioned and endorsed by NAR. At minimum, make sure you have read and reviewed the entire NAR short sales field guide.
I believe that every practicing OKCMAR REALTOR® out there wants to do the very best for their clients and customers. The OKCMAR logo is the sign of quality. From our outstanding MLS, our syndication system to our public-sided search site to our phenomenal education programs, being an OKCMAR REALTOR® says to your clients; YOU ARE THE VERY BEST! So what do you do if one of your best customers or clients comes to you with a short sale opportunity? If you are not skilled and knowlegeable in the short sale process your best bet (Remembering that your time equals money out of your net income-the more time you spend on a transaction the less per hour you are making per transaction) may be to refer your client to a short sale expert.
A simple phone call followed by a policy letter can assure that you are paid a referral fee, your client has the benefit of your input (knowing his/her situation, likes/dislikes etc) and is grateful for a swift and clean short sale transaction. Your client knows that you have his/her best interests at the forefront of your actions and is more likely to refer other business your way. You also avoid the liability pitfalls that these tricky sales can sometimes result in.
If you have been participating in short sale transactions successfully and see this as a market specialization you may want to pursue get SFR certified. Please note that the SFR is the NAR certification and is the only program currently sanctioned and endorsed by NAR. At minimum, make sure you have read and reviewed the entire NAR short sales field guide.
Down for the Count!
Dear Readers:
I deeply apologize for my lack of posting this month. I started out the month with a trip to Chicago, my second hometown so to speak. My brother, mother and three sisters all live in Chicago. I was there for the leadership summit. I enjoyed my time with Pres-Elect, Steve Mann, and Commercial President-Elect, Bijan Babbolah. This year's summit was interesting. The part I liked the very best was listening to the NAR Outgoing, Incoming and First Vice President talk about what the NAR leadership experience had meant to them. Ron Phipps, Pres-Elect, was very impressive. He chose his words carefully and deliberately and I think his message was clear, "Seize the Day". That we only have today to impact our industry and our national and global economy. Each of us should be representing our profession to our utmost ability.
When I returned home it was to a deluge of medical issues. In fact today is the first full day I have been at work in two weeks. I am happy to report I am on the mend and will be happily writing for the autumn weeks to come.
I deeply apologize for my lack of posting this month. I started out the month with a trip to Chicago, my second hometown so to speak. My brother, mother and three sisters all live in Chicago. I was there for the leadership summit. I enjoyed my time with Pres-Elect, Steve Mann, and Commercial President-Elect, Bijan Babbolah. This year's summit was interesting. The part I liked the very best was listening to the NAR Outgoing, Incoming and First Vice President talk about what the NAR leadership experience had meant to them. Ron Phipps, Pres-Elect, was very impressive. He chose his words carefully and deliberately and I think his message was clear, "Seize the Day". That we only have today to impact our industry and our national and global economy. Each of us should be representing our profession to our utmost ability.
When I returned home it was to a deluge of medical issues. In fact today is the first full day I have been at work in two weeks. I am happy to report I am on the mend and will be happily writing for the autumn weeks to come.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
On the Road Again!
I am on my way (sort of) to Chicago for the National Assn of REALTORS® leadership summit. This is a three day seminar where Pres-Elects and their AE's learn how to work together and what NAR will be offering this year. I am sitting in the airport with Pres-Elect, Steve Mann. Got here on time only to learn our flight has been delayed by 1 hour. I tried to call Shirley Holland, the Norman AE, and heard from her staff- she is stuck on the tarmac here in OKC. Oh the joys of traveling!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
HR 4173 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Bill Signed into Law
This new law directly impacts mortgage availability and you should know about it. The actual bill is over 2100 pages long but there is a concise overview of the new law on one of my favorite sites; . I have written about this site before as a great informational source. At the end of this post is information about
A synopsis of the bill's mortgage provisions:
Your National Association of REALTORS fought very hard on your behalf for this provision. Following is how NAR influenced the bill (Your RPAC dollars at Work!):
To learn about the other provisions in the bill where NAR advocated on behalf of the industry and the consumer click here.
To read about the bill itself click here
"OpenCongress is a free, open-source, not-for-profit, and non-partisan web resource with a mission to make Congress more transparent and to encourage civic engagement. OpenCongress is a joint project of two 501c3 non-profit organizations, the Participatory Politics Foundation and the Sunlight Foundation. To read more about our mission, our open data sources, and how Congress works, see About OpenCongress. To read more about how individuals and organizations can use this site to find and share valuable info about their political interests, see How To Use OpenCongress."
A synopsis of the bill's mortgage provisions:
Mortgage Reform and Handling the Mortgage Crisis
- Establishes a federal standard for home loans, and requires that institutions ensure that borrowers can repay their loans
- Prohibits financial incentives for subprime loans that encourage lenders to steer borrowers towards more expensive loans
- Requires lenders to disclose the maximum amount a consumer might may on a variable rate mortgage
- Establishes the Office of Housing Counseling (within HUD)
- Provides $1 billion to states and localities to rehabilitate, redevelop, and reuse abandoned and foreclosed properties
- Provides $1 billion to help cover mortgage payments for unemployed homeowners with reasonable prospects for reemployment
- Authorizes a HUD program to help provide forecloseure legal assistance to low- and moderate-income homeowners and tenants
Your National Association of REALTORS fought very hard on your behalf for this provision. Following is how NAR influenced the bill (Your RPAC dollars at Work!):
Risk Retention – Qualified Mortgage Exemption- At NAR’s request, Congress included a qualified mortgage exemption from potentially costly--for both lenders and consumers--risk retention requirements.
- Congress gave the regulator flexibility in determining what a qualified mortgage is, however the mortgage must meet the standards laid out in the predatory lending portion of the bill. These standards include underwriting based upon full documentation, ability to repay, and limitations on fees among other things.
- NAR will work with the regulators to ensure that the regulatory framework maximizes access to affordable mortgages for consumers.
- A safe harbor from the “ability to repay” requirement was created, which limits the total points and fees collected by lenders and their affiliates to 3. This provision was included over NAR’s strenuous and repeated objection.
- However, we believe there is some regulatory flexibility in this provision including flexibility for smaller loan amounts with “smaller” being left undefined.
- NAR will work diligently to ensure this provision is interpreted in a manner consistent with the best interests of real estate professionals, their lender partners, and their clients and customers.
- NAR was successful in getting the legislation amended to allow an individual to conduct three seller financed transactions in a 12 month period without being subject to the complicated mortgage rules in the new Act. NAR has asked HUD to adopt a similar approach to exempt seller financing, up to three transactions in a 12 month period, from loan originator licensing requirements under the S.A.F.E. Act.
To learn about the other provisions in the bill where NAR advocated on behalf of the industry and the consumer click here.
To read about the bill itself click here
"OpenCongress is a free, open-source, not-for-profit, and non-partisan web resource with a mission to make Congress more transparent and to encourage civic engagement. OpenCongress is a joint project of two 501c3 non-profit organizations, the Participatory Politics Foundation and the Sunlight Foundation. To read more about our mission, our open data sources, and how Congress works, see About OpenCongress. To read more about how individuals and organizations can use this site to find and share valuable info about their political interests, see How To Use OpenCongress."
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Last Day for 10% MLS Discounts
Today is the last day to get 10% off your MLS invoice. You can easily pay online by clicking this link or stop by the Board today. The R-Store and the MLS are open- they can pass your check on to the accounting department and mark it received today.
Take a minute to check out the okmar website. We have used your suggestions and comments to revamp it.
Finally, it is an amazing OK gorgeous day today- get outside and enjoy it while you can; weather reports are predicting 100+ degree heat for all of next week.
Take a minute to check out the okmar website. We have used your suggestions and comments to revamp it.
Finally, it is an amazing OK gorgeous day today- get outside and enjoy it while you can; weather reports are predicting 100+ degree heat for all of next week.
Monday, July 26, 2010
OKCMAR & Politics- SAY WHAT???
Yesterday my staff received an angry phone call from a member. She was upset that OKCMAR was involved in politics- and had invited an NAR endorsed candidate and local OKCMAR member to speak at the RCA luncheon. Her words, paraphrased"OKCMAR should not be involved in politics" & "If I would have known that my RPAC dollars were going towards supporting candidates I would not have contributed". While I respectfully appreciate her opinion I can not help but do a "Say What??? When one joins a trade association they are joining a group of people who band together to promote their industry- that is what an association exists for. Group pricing benefits and ancillary services, such as MLS, are just that benefits and services, they are not the purpose or higher goal of the group/association.
To say REALTORS® and their group force as an association/trade association should not be involved in politics is to say we have no interest in ensuring the quality of life in Oklahoma (through economic development, affordable housing, private property rights, environmental sustainability) and preserving our industry and ability to make a living. RPAC Is Your Insurance of Continued Ability To Do Business and Insurance that the American Dream of Home Ownership Continues and is Attainable to the Largest Group. Our code of ethics is based on the widest distribution of land to the widest population. It is what separates the United States of America from every other country in that the average citizen can own not only their own home but the land it sits on, a freedom we all take for granted but very little of the world enjoys.
If REALTORS® weren't involved in politics the first time home buyers credit which stimulated millions of dollars in home sales nationally during the worst recession in decades was a direct result of REALTORS® (and their associations) in politics. REALTORS® in politics is what created the second time buyers move up credit. I myself spoke on your behalf to our federal legislators to convince them how imperative an expanded credit was to our economy. These credits bolstered our industry & the Oklahoma economy (and OKC REALTORS® home sales) in the face of economic crisis.
It was REALTORS® in politics that pressured congress to extend the national flood insurance program last month safeguarding homes across the USA. It was REALTORS® in politics that forced Mortgage Modification programs that kept millions of Americans in their homes and out of foreclosure. It was REALTORS® in politics that prevented sales tax on real estate agents' commissions. If it weren't for REALTORS® in politics the mortgage interest deduction which gives great incentive to own rather than rent, would have been eliminated decades ago. Not only do REALTORS® need to be involved in politics to safeguard the American Dream of home ownership if it weren't for the REALTORS® the many freedoms (talk to me about eminent domain laws), rights and privileges we take for granted today would not exist. Please do not tell me REALTORS® do not belong in politics. Legislative advocacy is one of the core components of our corporate charter with the state of Oklahoma and our non-profit status with the IRS. To fully understand the association role in political involvement I urge readers to visit NAR's REALTOR® Action Center.
As to the second part of the member's complaint I can't help but question the member's understanding of what RPAC is. I can only take responsibility for those members who have gone through orientation since my employ, where we do make it very clear what RPAC is. I try to touch everyone else through the OKCMAR eblasts, website and quarterly magazine and this blog, as to what RPAC is and only hope that they read it.
First RPAC exists to fund political campaigns and issues mobilization. I am not sure what the member thought RPAC was for but RPAC stands for REALTOR® Political Action Committee. 30 cents of every RPAC dollar stays here locally at OKCMAR and can not be used for state or federal elections. What this means is that OKCMAR can not contribute to our own member, Mike Thompson's campaign- we can only financially support campaigns on the local level. Last year OKCMAR donations went to a local REALTOR® running for school board, a local REALTOR® currently in office as OK County Treasurer, all 3 county commissioners, Mayor Mick Cornett and OK County Clerk. 35 cents goes to OAR to fund state candidates (like the governor) and .35 goes to NAR of which they will use some to fund federal campaigns, such as that as REALTOR® Mike Thompson running for US congress.
REALTORS® are 1.2 million as of last count. OKCMAR and its MLS are 4000 REALTORS®. There is no possible way that any candidate will be the 100% choice that all members want to support and agree with their politics. Please read about the goal of the REALTOR® Party, which is bi-partisan, at the REALTOR® Action Center. Sometimes the REALTORS®' RPAC contribution will go towards a candidate they personally do not approve of; however the candidates that NAR chooses to endorse and fund ALL are REALTOR®-friendly and are identified as espousing the value of home ownership & private property rights. NAR specifically endorses REALTOR® candidates because there is no one who can understand our industry and how important it is to the American society quite like another REALTOR® working the trenches- just like you. NAR is committed to supporting, with RPAC dollars, REALTOR® candidates. Learn more at the REALTOR® Action Center.
On a final note (and please dear readers forgive the soapbox) perhaps today, 1/3 of your RPAC investment went to a candidate you were passionately against for whatever reason, but realize that tomorrow, 1/3 of someone else's RPAC investment will go towards the person you strongly believe in but they do not. I am 100% confident that the National Association of REALTORS® [NAR] thoroughly investigates and analyzes every federal candidate running for their alignment with the REALTOR® party and RPAC dollars are well spent. I know your OKCMAR legislative committee does and commits its share of the RPAC dollars to those local candidates who espouse the value of homeownership and private property rights. Also remember each and every one of us holds the ultimate power in that we have the freedom to vote- that is where individually we can make a difference.
Yesterday my staff received an angry phone call from a member. She was upset that OKCMAR was involved in politics- and had invited an NAR endorsed candidate and local OKCMAR member to speak at the RCA luncheon. Her words, paraphrased"OKCMAR should not be involved in politics" & "If I would have known that my RPAC dollars were going towards supporting candidates I would not have contributed". While I respectfully appreciate her opinion I can not help but do a "Say What??? When one joins a trade association they are joining a group of people who band together to promote their industry- that is what an association exists for. Group pricing benefits and ancillary services, such as MLS, are just that benefits and services, they are not the purpose or higher goal of the group/association.
To say REALTORS® and their group force as an association/trade association should not be involved in politics is to say we have no interest in ensuring the quality of life in Oklahoma (through economic development, affordable housing, private property rights, environmental sustainability) and preserving our industry and ability to make a living. RPAC Is Your Insurance of Continued Ability To Do Business and Insurance that the American Dream of Home Ownership Continues and is Attainable to the Largest Group. Our code of ethics is based on the widest distribution of land to the widest population. It is what separates the United States of America from every other country in that the average citizen can own not only their own home but the land it sits on, a freedom we all take for granted but very little of the world enjoys.
If REALTORS® weren't involved in politics the first time home buyers credit which stimulated millions of dollars in home sales nationally during the worst recession in decades was a direct result of REALTORS® (and their associations) in politics. REALTORS® in politics is what created the second time buyers move up credit. I myself spoke on your behalf to our federal legislators to convince them how imperative an expanded credit was to our economy. These credits bolstered our industry & the Oklahoma economy (and OKC REALTORS® home sales) in the face of economic crisis.
It was REALTORS® in politics that pressured congress to extend the national flood insurance program last month safeguarding homes across the USA. It was REALTORS® in politics that forced Mortgage Modification programs that kept millions of Americans in their homes and out of foreclosure. It was REALTORS® in politics that prevented sales tax on real estate agents' commissions. If it weren't for REALTORS® in politics the mortgage interest deduction which gives great incentive to own rather than rent, would have been eliminated decades ago. Not only do REALTORS® need to be involved in politics to safeguard the American Dream of home ownership if it weren't for the REALTORS® the many freedoms (talk to me about eminent domain laws), rights and privileges we take for granted today would not exist. Please do not tell me REALTORS® do not belong in politics. Legislative advocacy is one of the core components of our corporate charter with the state of Oklahoma and our non-profit status with the IRS. To fully understand the association role in political involvement I urge readers to visit NAR's REALTOR® Action Center.
As to the second part of the member's complaint I can't help but question the member's understanding of what RPAC is. I can only take responsibility for those members who have gone through orientation since my employ, where we do make it very clear what RPAC is. I try to touch everyone else through the OKCMAR eblasts, website and quarterly magazine and this blog, as to what RPAC is and only hope that they read it.
First RPAC exists to fund political campaigns and issues mobilization. I am not sure what the member thought RPAC was for but RPAC stands for REALTOR® Political Action Committee. 30 cents of every RPAC dollar stays here locally at OKCMAR and can not be used for state or federal elections. What this means is that OKCMAR can not contribute to our own member, Mike Thompson's campaign- we can only financially support campaigns on the local level. Last year OKCMAR donations went to a local REALTOR® running for school board, a local REALTOR® currently in office as OK County Treasurer, all 3 county commissioners, Mayor Mick Cornett and OK County Clerk. 35 cents goes to OAR to fund state candidates (like the governor) and .35 goes to NAR of which they will use some to fund federal campaigns, such as that as REALTOR® Mike Thompson running for US congress.
REALTORS® are 1.2 million as of last count. OKCMAR and its MLS are 4000 REALTORS®. There is no possible way that any candidate will be the 100% choice that all members want to support and agree with their politics. Please read about the goal of the REALTOR® Party, which is bi-partisan, at the REALTOR® Action Center. Sometimes the REALTORS®' RPAC contribution will go towards a candidate they personally do not approve of; however the candidates that NAR chooses to endorse and fund ALL are REALTOR®-friendly and are identified as espousing the value of home ownership & private property rights. NAR specifically endorses REALTOR® candidates because there is no one who can understand our industry and how important it is to the American society quite like another REALTOR® working the trenches- just like you. NAR is committed to supporting, with RPAC dollars, REALTOR® candidates. Learn more at the REALTOR® Action Center.
On a final note (and please dear readers forgive the soapbox) perhaps today, 1/3 of your RPAC investment went to a candidate you were passionately against for whatever reason, but realize that tomorrow, 1/3 of someone else's RPAC investment will go towards the person you strongly believe in but they do not. I am 100% confident that the National Association of REALTORS® [NAR] thoroughly investigates and analyzes every federal candidate running for their alignment with the REALTOR® party and RPAC dollars are well spent. I know your OKCMAR legislative committee does and commits its share of the RPAC dollars to those local candidates who espouse the value of homeownership and private property rights. Also remember each and every one of us holds the ultimate power in that we have the freedom to vote- that is where individually we can make a difference.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Kudos to the OKCMAR RCA
I had a wonderful phone call with NAR volunteer leadership yesterday. Mike Tharp, Vice Chair for the 2010 NAR Commercial Leadership Forum, has asked me to present at the NAR national convention this November. It was amazing just to talk to him for an hour about what his Commercial Overlay Board is doing in Portland, OR. In one year he took their membership from 300 to 600! We spoke of how important RPAC is to the commercial REALTOR® and that how current NAR legislative initiatives, if successful, should help stimulate commercial financing. I personally think the initiative of increasing the commercial paper asset limit for credit unions is singularly the most important in getting liquidity back into commercial financing. He had a lot of questions about our RCA and our CIE. After our discussion, he indicated that he understood why OKCMAR had been brought to him as an RCA to feature as a success story to the national membership and also to be comfortable that I would be a prepared & knowledgeable speaker. When I listened to him speak with pride and passion about his commercial industry and their board it brought back home how incredibly essential association-engaged REALTORS® are to our industry and to the US economy. I think back three years ago to that small core group of RCA leadership and just am astounded at what they have been able to accomplish over the last three years. The RCA is having its commercial luncheon at Ted's on May Ave from 11-12 next Wednesday -it may not be too late to attend and learn what this group is contributing to OKCMAR but I suggest calling no later than Monday morning.
Planes, Trains & Automobiles
CEO Commentary:
Has anyone ever seen the old movie Planes, Trains & Automobiles with the late John Candy & Steve Martin? For those of you who haven't I would highly recommend renting it for a good laugh. Sometimes I think I am destined to re-live parts of that movie in my life over and over. Having just come back from another trip I look back with a roll of my eyes- I am in Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the value of the national training I receive and how it directly impacts the service proposition and delivery to the membership but sometimes......
This particular trip to Indianapolis to participate in the REAL TRENDS AE Advisory Council was relatively sparse in its P,T & A moments but had a few. As I was getting ready to leave the week before last I pulled up my itinerary, literally as I was leaving for the airport (shame on me for waiting so long to do this) , and realized that my return flight was leaving at 6am Wednesday morning but I only had booked the hotel through Monday night. Quick phone call, not really, to the hotel and it is all fixed but for some reason he can't just add to the reservation he has to make a separate one? Does anyone else wonder what takes those hotel people so long to check you in? I am always like, "What are they doing? What takes so long? Is it in secret code? Does every hotel computer move at the speed of a glacier?"
I had taken a few days off before the seminar began to stay with my son in Bloomington. He drove an hour to pick me up from the airport. And of course my phone is dead when I arrive so he spent another half hour circling the airport. I did see him drive right past me! I ran after him like an idiot but to no avail. Why was my phone dead? Because although I had purchased my tickets 3 months in advance and had business class which lets me choose my seats (I am horrifically claustrophobic and although I don't mind a middle seat I just can't sit in the back rows of the plane) for some reason Frontier had bumped me to , you guessed it, the back of the plane. While I was able to fix this for my current flight- getting my original seat request of row 2 (so if my seat was available why did they bump me?), the attendant could change my OK & Denver flights but not the return flights- I need to call the 800 number.
After 29 minutes on hold, I know this because the I-phone has a timer on calls, I go up to the attendant and ask why they just can't change my return flight seats and am told "I am too busy getting ready to board this flight to help you -call the 800# " at which I put my phone on speaker and show him the timer and said I could not get through". His response, they are very busy at registration and walks away. Okay I guess they are busy bumping people from their seats. At minute 39 I put the phone on speakerphone and let all their customers listen to Frontier expound how their customer service is superior to all others and I keep it going until the ticket agent brings me a different phone number to call. Just as I am taking the number at 53 minutes Frontier finally answers. Personally I think they were waiting to see if I would just give up and hang up. "No problem Miss Kennedy- we have you back in row 2 for your return flights" So why did they bump me in the first place? A mystery only Frontier will ever know the answer to. Upon arrival in Indianapolis my phone is dead.
My luggage arrives in baggage claim with a huge new stain on the front- par for the course. I spend two delightful vacation days and Saturday with my son and his girlfriend. My agenda starts Sunday afternoon so we enjoy a nice drive into Indy. I get into the hotel- I have no reservation. "We have a reservation for you arriving Tuesday Night and leaving Wednesday"- the clerk says to me cheerfully. Why do they do that? I am obviously standing before them on Sunday- why do I get that look that says "Your Turn". So then I must ask, "Well I am here now, I had a reservation, I added a day to it, the clerk said it was no problem." The response- "he must have changed your reservation" - Your turn- "Well could I get a room today?" Finally the lightbulb goes off in her head that perhaps I need to stay in their hotel tonight. Thankfully, they honored the REAL TRENDS block room rate for the three night stay. but I had to ask, it wasn't offered.
After much learning and exchange with my fellow AE's I return to my hotel room to pack and am a little nervous about how early my flight is. I am flying on a Wednesday and I know that is "commuter day" having missed a 6am Wed flight once before. It is a 30 minute drive to the airport. So I set my alarm for 3:45am to make sure I don't miss the cab I had ordered a day ahead to arrive at 4:30am. I write my travel report for the Board of Directors. Kelli McNeal, our OKCMAR Communications & Marketing Director, has sent me an updated version of the OKCMAR annual report. There are several "holes" she needs me to fill and I need to proof the document for accuracy and for typos. I look at the clock it is 12:18am when I finish the report. Of course, now I am worried I will oversleep. I turn off all the lights and the TV and proceed to stay away awake- the last time I look at the clock it is 2:53am. So with under an hour of sleep I head down to the lobby to catch the cab. I will sleep on the plane I tell myself. Ha!
I arrive at the airport to learn my flight has been delayed one hour- I think wistfully of the 60 minutes of sleep I could have enjoyed. I left my neck pillow in the office and am too cheap to buy another one and it is like 30 degrees on the plane and I am dressed for OKC return weather. I ask the attendant for a blanket. His response which I guess was supposed to be humorous "Oh honey we haven't offered blankets since gas was $30 a barrel". So I chattered and shivered sleepless to Denver. For my 2.5 hour layover. I did not sleep on the return flight although I desperately tried. I get into OKC at 1:12pm. The travel gods throw me an appeasement, my stained luggage is the very first off the track. I am so happy to be back in OKC! As I am bringing in my luggage to my house I hear my son's girlfriend's voice in my head, "You are so lucky to get to travel as part of your job!" I think I will buy her Planes, Trains & Automobiles for Christmas.
Has anyone ever seen the old movie Planes, Trains & Automobiles with the late John Candy & Steve Martin? For those of you who haven't I would highly recommend renting it for a good laugh. Sometimes I think I am destined to re-live parts of that movie in my life over and over. Having just come back from another trip I look back with a roll of my eyes- I am in Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the value of the national training I receive and how it directly impacts the service proposition and delivery to the membership but sometimes......
This particular trip to Indianapolis to participate in the REAL TRENDS AE Advisory Council was relatively sparse in its P,T & A moments but had a few. As I was getting ready to leave the week before last I pulled up my itinerary, literally as I was leaving for the airport (shame on me for waiting so long to do this) , and realized that my return flight was leaving at 6am Wednesday morning but I only had booked the hotel through Monday night. Quick phone call, not really, to the hotel and it is all fixed but for some reason he can't just add to the reservation he has to make a separate one? Does anyone else wonder what takes those hotel people so long to check you in? I am always like, "What are they doing? What takes so long? Is it in secret code? Does every hotel computer move at the speed of a glacier?"
I had taken a few days off before the seminar began to stay with my son in Bloomington. He drove an hour to pick me up from the airport. And of course my phone is dead when I arrive so he spent another half hour circling the airport. I did see him drive right past me! I ran after him like an idiot but to no avail. Why was my phone dead? Because although I had purchased my tickets 3 months in advance and had business class which lets me choose my seats (I am horrifically claustrophobic and although I don't mind a middle seat I just can't sit in the back rows of the plane) for some reason Frontier had bumped me to , you guessed it, the back of the plane. While I was able to fix this for my current flight- getting my original seat request of row 2 (so if my seat was available why did they bump me?), the attendant could change my OK & Denver flights but not the return flights- I need to call the 800 number.
After 29 minutes on hold, I know this because the I-phone has a timer on calls, I go up to the attendant and ask why they just can't change my return flight seats and am told "I am too busy getting ready to board this flight to help you -call the 800# " at which I put my phone on speaker and show him the timer and said I could not get through". His response, they are very busy at registration and walks away. Okay I guess they are busy bumping people from their seats. At minute 39 I put the phone on speakerphone and let all their customers listen to Frontier expound how their customer service is superior to all others and I keep it going until the ticket agent brings me a different phone number to call. Just as I am taking the number at 53 minutes Frontier finally answers. Personally I think they were waiting to see if I would just give up and hang up. "No problem Miss Kennedy- we have you back in row 2 for your return flights" So why did they bump me in the first place? A mystery only Frontier will ever know the answer to. Upon arrival in Indianapolis my phone is dead.
My luggage arrives in baggage claim with a huge new stain on the front- par for the course. I spend two delightful vacation days and Saturday with my son and his girlfriend. My agenda starts Sunday afternoon so we enjoy a nice drive into Indy. I get into the hotel- I have no reservation. "We have a reservation for you arriving Tuesday Night and leaving Wednesday"- the clerk says to me cheerfully. Why do they do that? I am obviously standing before them on Sunday- why do I get that look that says "Your Turn". So then I must ask, "Well I am here now, I had a reservation, I added a day to it, the clerk said it was no problem." The response- "he must have changed your reservation" - Your turn- "Well could I get a room today?" Finally the lightbulb goes off in her head that perhaps I need to stay in their hotel tonight. Thankfully, they honored the REAL TRENDS block room rate for the three night stay. but I had to ask, it wasn't offered.
After much learning and exchange with my fellow AE's I return to my hotel room to pack and am a little nervous about how early my flight is. I am flying on a Wednesday and I know that is "commuter day" having missed a 6am Wed flight once before. It is a 30 minute drive to the airport. So I set my alarm for 3:45am to make sure I don't miss the cab I had ordered a day ahead to arrive at 4:30am. I write my travel report for the Board of Directors. Kelli McNeal, our OKCMAR Communications & Marketing Director, has sent me an updated version of the OKCMAR annual report. There are several "holes" she needs me to fill and I need to proof the document for accuracy and for typos. I look at the clock it is 12:18am when I finish the report. Of course, now I am worried I will oversleep. I turn off all the lights and the TV and proceed to stay away awake- the last time I look at the clock it is 2:53am. So with under an hour of sleep I head down to the lobby to catch the cab. I will sleep on the plane I tell myself. Ha!
I arrive at the airport to learn my flight has been delayed one hour- I think wistfully of the 60 minutes of sleep I could have enjoyed. I left my neck pillow in the office and am too cheap to buy another one and it is like 30 degrees on the plane and I am dressed for OKC return weather. I ask the attendant for a blanket. His response which I guess was supposed to be humorous "Oh honey we haven't offered blankets since gas was $30 a barrel". So I chattered and shivered sleepless to Denver. For my 2.5 hour layover. I did not sleep on the return flight although I desperately tried. I get into OKC at 1:12pm. The travel gods throw me an appeasement, my stained luggage is the very first off the track. I am so happy to be back in OKC! As I am bringing in my luggage to my house I hear my son's girlfriend's voice in my head, "You are so lucky to get to travel as part of your job!" I think I will buy her Planes, Trains & Automobiles for Christmas.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Your 2011 Nomination Slate
We are very pleased and excited about this year's slate of Board of Directors nominees. For several years now the board has been working on diversifying its body. It has been a consistent goal to have representation geographically and also in business model. As noted the current board has representatives of large, mid-size (what I like to call in Wisconsinese- boutiques) and small or one-man brokerages, franchise and non-franchise firms and non-traditional business models. As the board has become more diverse over the years this year the committee focus was on being inclusive of membership. As many may note last year we added an affiliate seat to the Board of Directors, ensuring this very important segment of our membership has a voice at the table. Also the commercial REALTOR® has a predominate role and guaranteed voting seat on the board. This partnership with our commercial alliance has proven integral in increased reach and membership for OKCMAR.
This year was a challenge due to switching to a three year cycle, replacing 4 directors each year instead of 6 (a side benefit is longer terms allowing directors to grow into their role), and the OKCMAR bylaws requirement of 75% owner or managing broker represented on the slate. In simple English 6 of the 8 nominees need to be principals in their firm (owner, designated REALTOR, or managing broker). This leaves only two positions open for non-principals. There is also the commitment to move LT7 alumni into the nomination slate.
The nominating committee excelled within these parameters and challenges. Of the two non-principals placed on the slate one is an LT7 alumni (Shelly Pryor) and one is a director who is filling the last 6 months of a two year term a seat on the OKCMAR & MLSOK Board of Directors (Julie Buthion). The 6 principals include a franchise with a commercial leg, a builder, an international broker, an appraiser, a large franchise that has worked closely with staff in implementing MLS technologies as a consistent beta-tester & a boutique independent. Inherent in this candidate slate is geographical representation. I am so very proud of the effort the nominating committee and in OKCMAR leadership for continuing to ensure that the "voices of the many" are heard in the OKCMAR board meetings. To view the slate and member biographies click here
This year was a challenge due to switching to a three year cycle, replacing 4 directors each year instead of 6 (a side benefit is longer terms allowing directors to grow into their role), and the OKCMAR bylaws requirement of 75% owner or managing broker represented on the slate. In simple English 6 of the 8 nominees need to be principals in their firm (owner, designated REALTOR, or managing broker). This leaves only two positions open for non-principals. There is also the commitment to move LT7 alumni into the nomination slate.
The nominating committee excelled within these parameters and challenges. Of the two non-principals placed on the slate one is an LT7 alumni (Shelly Pryor) and one is a director who is filling the last 6 months of a two year term a seat on the OKCMAR & MLSOK Board of Directors (Julie Buthion). The 6 principals include a franchise with a commercial leg, a builder, an international broker, an appraiser, a large franchise that has worked closely with staff in implementing MLS technologies as a consistent beta-tester & a boutique independent. Inherent in this candidate slate is geographical representation. I am so very proud of the effort the nominating committee and in OKCMAR leadership for continuing to ensure that the "voices of the many" are heard in the OKCMAR board meetings. To view the slate and member biographies click here
I just returned from Indianapolis where the semi-annual REAL TRENDS AE advisory council met this month. This is a wonderful opportunity that the board has allowed me to participate in and also quite an honor for me to be selected by REAL TRENDS to serve on their council. This session we critiqued the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of REALTORS ®(MIBOR) and its MLS corp, BLC®. BLC® stands for Broker Listing Cooperative®. They do not even refer to it as an MLS. They believe that the acronym MLS is too widely used as a public term and does not adequately represent what a Multiple Listing Service is and does.
For many of you who know me, you know I am not easily impressed. I also hold to the notion that OKCMAR and MLSOK are far superior to other associations and their MLS systems. However, I will tell you that MIBOR and its BLC® give OKCMAR a run for our money. Their strengths are governance (transparency, accountability, & policy) and legislative advocacy. These REALTORS® are making an incredible difference in Indianapolis and the communities where they live and practice. Take a minute to visit their website and view their Superbowl/Centennial Legacy Project- use the navigation bar on the left to view the video detailing the project.
At these sessions we all have an idea sharing session where we go over things that worked and things that didn't in our associations. I left the meeting with numerous things I would like to eventually implement at OKCMAR. The conference resulted in a two page report for the board of directors and a slew of ideas! I cannot wait for the time it is OKCMAR's turn to host this group- it is booked through 2012 so 2013 may be the year we get to host or not. I am so proud of what OKCMAR has accomplished in three short years- frankly it is amazing... and yes... we are still the very best in my eyes but we will always strive for continuous improvement.
For many of you who know me, you know I am not easily impressed. I also hold to the notion that OKCMAR and MLSOK are far superior to other associations and their MLS systems. However, I will tell you that MIBOR and its BLC® give OKCMAR a run for our money. Their strengths are governance (transparency, accountability, & policy) and legislative advocacy. These REALTORS® are making an incredible difference in Indianapolis and the communities where they live and practice. Take a minute to visit their website and view their Superbowl/Centennial Legacy Project- use the navigation bar on the left to view the video detailing the project.
At these sessions we all have an idea sharing session where we go over things that worked and things that didn't in our associations. I left the meeting with numerous things I would like to eventually implement at OKCMAR. The conference resulted in a two page report for the board of directors and a slew of ideas! I cannot wait for the time it is OKCMAR's turn to host this group- it is booked through 2012 so 2013 may be the year we get to host or not. I am so proud of what OKCMAR has accomplished in three short years- frankly it is amazing... and yes... we are still the very best in my eyes but we will always strive for continuous improvement.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Holiday Brings Some Good News for REALTORS®
My cookout got rained out! But the good news is I have an overhang on my front porch and my guests mingled between the front porch and my living room. Even though it was wet and icky there is just something about the fourth that beckons folks to go outside. July is starting out with some very good news:
Eligible pending transactions will see some relief as the tax credit for said pendings has been extended to September 30th & the National Flood Insurance Program has also been extended through September 30th. Read More...
It is very important to recognize that the tax credit pushed inventory into the market that would not have otherwise been there creating sales that normally would have taken place over the summer. We need to recognize that and expect to see a slower than normal summer. This is the time to take stock in where you are spending your dollars. Make sure you have replaced costly systems with those available for free in your MLS, look at your marketing dollars- consider replacing paid media with free social media, look into the frameable link in the public sided MLS site as a way to integrate MLS listing search within your website at no additional costs.
Slow times are a time to re-invest in yourself. Make sure you are marking your calendars for the membership conference, Sept 8th & 9th, which includes both OKCMAR luncheons (RPAC Awards Lunch- Election Lunch). This low cost conference has free CE and panels designed to help you increase your business. The conference caps off with the affiliate expo where you can network with industry-related professionals to best streamline and economize your current processes.
Look at enrolling in the monthly auto-pay for MLS fees to make payments a little easier. Read the eblasts and magazine for tips on free technologies you can be using to set yourself apart. Remember a down market is when the successful garner market share. This is an opportunity that will not come around, according to economic cycles, for almost 15 years. Rather than look at it with gloom and doom recognize it for the incredible opportunity it is for you to stand out in the marketplace.
Eligible pending transactions will see some relief as the tax credit for said pendings has been extended to September 30th & the National Flood Insurance Program has also been extended through September 30th. Read More...
It is very important to recognize that the tax credit pushed inventory into the market that would not have otherwise been there creating sales that normally would have taken place over the summer. We need to recognize that and expect to see a slower than normal summer. This is the time to take stock in where you are spending your dollars. Make sure you have replaced costly systems with those available for free in your MLS, look at your marketing dollars- consider replacing paid media with free social media, look into the frameable link in the public sided MLS site as a way to integrate MLS listing search within your website at no additional costs.
Slow times are a time to re-invest in yourself. Make sure you are marking your calendars for the membership conference, Sept 8th & 9th, which includes both OKCMAR luncheons (RPAC Awards Lunch- Election Lunch). This low cost conference has free CE and panels designed to help you increase your business. The conference caps off with the affiliate expo where you can network with industry-related professionals to best streamline and economize your current processes.
Look at enrolling in the monthly auto-pay for MLS fees to make payments a little easier. Read the eblasts and magazine for tips on free technologies you can be using to set yourself apart. Remember a down market is when the successful garner market share. This is an opportunity that will not come around, according to economic cycles, for almost 15 years. Rather than look at it with gloom and doom recognize it for the incredible opportunity it is for you to stand out in the marketplace.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I Thought Everyone Knew
I talked to a REALTOR® today who did not know that on a PC and some laptops that you can easily shortcut to the Registered Trademark symbol "®" by simply holding down the ALT button and typing in the numbers 0174. Usually a lot faster than inserting a symbol through the word menus. Kelli McNeal tells me that holding down the control button and hitting the letter "R" also will result in the trademark symbol - though I have not tried this.
We then started talking about how even REALTORS® fail to properly use the word. It is a registered trademark and must be spelled in all capital letters followed by the "®" . Make sure you are keeping the word, REALTOR® , and all that it stands for, special and unique. He asked me to pass this along in the blog.... so I did!
Budgets- Round 1
If you ever wonder how on earth OKCMAR & MLSOK budgets for the year I thought I would share the process with you. First we have a three year budgeting cycle which acts as a guide. This would be year 2. Second while the 3 year budget is a guide we are required to zero base budget which means we look at each line item separately and start at 0 and determine the current cost of a program and the current income (if any) of a program. The three year budget determines basic items in line with the strategic plan such as what trainings the board and/or staff will go to, how much will be spent on advertising & promotion, how many events will be put on, etc. All of these include a target income or loss for the year.
Today is the most difficult but also the most enjoyable part of the process. The department heads will develop proposals in alliance with the strategic plan and 3 year budget for their respective departments. They will argue passionately for items they believe are necessary for the development of the strategic plan and to further the goals of their assigned committees. At the end of today we will have preliminary budgets for each corporation. This year, is the first year in years that OKCMAR's budget will not have a projected/budgeted loss. Last year MLSOK operated at a substantial loss in order to take advantage of tax incentives but for 2011 MLSOK will operate slightly above break-even in order to replenish the reserves that were used to gain the tax incentives. Last year was the year of capital expenditures and capital improvements- this year and next we hope to reap the rewards of the planned spending.
Next the budgets go to the finance committee where the budgets are picked apart and members representing all of you discuss program cuts and program additions. If the budgets pass this stage (which is rare- last year this stage was repeated twice) they go on to the respective boards where the process is again reviewed. If the budgets pass this stage they become implemented if not they go back to committee and the process starts again. In an average year the budgets are revised at least 5 times. The staff, finance committees and the leadership totally know this is YOUR money and feel very responsible for spending it wisely.
Today is the most difficult but also the most enjoyable part of the process. The department heads will develop proposals in alliance with the strategic plan and 3 year budget for their respective departments. They will argue passionately for items they believe are necessary for the development of the strategic plan and to further the goals of their assigned committees. At the end of today we will have preliminary budgets for each corporation. This year, is the first year in years that OKCMAR's budget will not have a projected/budgeted loss. Last year MLSOK operated at a substantial loss in order to take advantage of tax incentives but for 2011 MLSOK will operate slightly above break-even in order to replenish the reserves that were used to gain the tax incentives. Last year was the year of capital expenditures and capital improvements- this year and next we hope to reap the rewards of the planned spending.
Next the budgets go to the finance committee where the budgets are picked apart and members representing all of you discuss program cuts and program additions. If the budgets pass this stage (which is rare- last year this stage was repeated twice) they go on to the respective boards where the process is again reviewed. If the budgets pass this stage they become implemented if not they go back to committee and the process starts again. In an average year the budgets are revised at least 5 times. The staff, finance committees and the leadership totally know this is YOUR money and feel very responsible for spending it wisely.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Video Blog?
Terry Watson, our keynote speaker at the Summer Management Conference, told his audience in Oklahoma City that the written blog was a thing of the past- we need to move to video blogs. I could do it. I have a fancy I-Phone that would let me film videos all day long. What is stopping me? I am really not sure. I like writing on the blog because I have lots of time to think. I also like that the written page doesn't reflect my actual appearance but my "work" appearance. I would worry that a video would seem too practiced- I often rewrite entries several times but the reader doesn't see it. I am not afraid of technology- I think I am afraid of the camera. I know I have to take the video blog plunge and I promise dear readers to do it soon. However while I think video and pictures are great I have a great love for the written word and think it will never be replaced. Be watching for the first video... I promise I will do it soon.
The Three Legs of the Management Stool
When I was in the University of Wisconsin-Platteville's master's program I read a great book about successful management; honestly I can't remember the name of it but I remember its message and it has stuck with me for several years. I read it while on a train from Crystal Lake, IL to downtown Chicago, it was on the way to the NAR leadership summit. The book was not very large and very, very good and I read the entire thing on the train. Its basic message was this: An effective organization is balanced by three legs on a stool: personnel, processes and systems.
This morning I received a WONDERFUL email from a member who was very happy with one of our MLS services and took the time to write me. I emailed back and got an even more enthusiastic reply about how great the staff is and he credited me for bringing insightful energy to the organization. After I got over patting myself on the back- my arm got sore- I thought about what he commented on. I realized that small little book, read on a quiet train ride, had really driven so much of what I have done at OKCMAR in terms of administration. The first thing is personnel. You can have the most wonderful leadership in the world, refined processes, great systems but if the personnel is not good, none of that matters. I pride myself on the great team I have been allowed to build at OKCMAR. We have had negligible turnover in the last 2 years and I believe our staff is top notch.
The second is processes. Over the last three years the senior staff & I have worked relentlessly on developing a defined, written process for every single thing we do at OKCMAR & MLSOK. Every action has a standard and we define it, evaluate it and measure it on a regular basis. It is this particular area that I will take a small modicum of credit, my education in Project Management has been invaluable in creating processes. The leadership has been wonderful in investing in excellent systems to support the processes and personnel. As I remember from the book, great people and great processes can be felled by failing systems. If the phone system drops every third call all the effort in the world is lost if the systems fail.
I am so happy that members recognize what the leadership and staff have been trying to accomplish. As a follower of Deming's Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophies there is no resting on past successes. Every day we need to examine the three legs of our business stool and look for & implement improvement . Is everything always perfect? Absolutely not but we strive for that constant and continuous improvement every day.
My hope is that by sharing my views on this subject perhaps it may help the blog readers in pushing past a barrier to greater business success. If you are doing everything right and you have the best people in the world- perhaps your systems need to be upgraded. If you have invested in great systems and have wonderful people, perhaps the processes are not defined. Does everyone in your office process a new listing in the same manner to your broker's standard? People want to do a great job but if they aren't sure of the expectation and process they are doomed to disappoint. Remember that systems include such simple things as office supply systems, utilities management and even compensation structures. Finally one can not stand tall, sturdy and above the rest on a crooked stool; balance is crucial.
This morning I received a WONDERFUL email from a member who was very happy with one of our MLS services and took the time to write me. I emailed back and got an even more enthusiastic reply about how great the staff is and he credited me for bringing insightful energy to the organization. After I got over patting myself on the back- my arm got sore- I thought about what he commented on. I realized that small little book, read on a quiet train ride, had really driven so much of what I have done at OKCMAR in terms of administration. The first thing is personnel. You can have the most wonderful leadership in the world, refined processes, great systems but if the personnel is not good, none of that matters. I pride myself on the great team I have been allowed to build at OKCMAR. We have had negligible turnover in the last 2 years and I believe our staff is top notch.
The second is processes. Over the last three years the senior staff & I have worked relentlessly on developing a defined, written process for every single thing we do at OKCMAR & MLSOK. Every action has a standard and we define it, evaluate it and measure it on a regular basis. It is this particular area that I will take a small modicum of credit, my education in Project Management has been invaluable in creating processes. The leadership has been wonderful in investing in excellent systems to support the processes and personnel. As I remember from the book, great people and great processes can be felled by failing systems. If the phone system drops every third call all the effort in the world is lost if the systems fail.
I am so happy that members recognize what the leadership and staff have been trying to accomplish. As a follower of Deming's Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophies there is no resting on past successes. Every day we need to examine the three legs of our business stool and look for & implement improvement . Is everything always perfect? Absolutely not but we strive for that constant and continuous improvement every day.
My hope is that by sharing my views on this subject perhaps it may help the blog readers in pushing past a barrier to greater business success. If you are doing everything right and you have the best people in the world- perhaps your systems need to be upgraded. If you have invested in great systems and have wonderful people, perhaps the processes are not defined. Does everyone in your office process a new listing in the same manner to your broker's standard? People want to do a great job but if they aren't sure of the expectation and process they are doomed to disappoint. Remember that systems include such simple things as office supply systems, utilities management and even compensation structures. Finally one can not stand tall, sturdy and above the rest on a crooked stool; balance is crucial.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thanks to our Committees
This was a jam packed day with meetings at OAR and at OKCMAR. One of the things that OAR does extremely well is to follow all the Legislation at the Capitol. Needless to say they represent us very well, and I am glad it is not me who wades through all that legal stuff that may or may not become law. Official “pat on the back” to the OAR Staff and Committees.
In the afternoon, it was off to OKCMAR to discuss some of the issues we face with regards to square footage disclosure. Later, I attended the MLS R&D Task Force and was glad that they all were able to hear about the upcoming RPR program that NAR is offering. I hope everybody visits the RPR Blog and explores the site.
Both the MLS Board and OKCMAR will be making crucial decisions later in the year with regards to RPR, and we need much input as possible to assist in making the right moves.
Finally, I can’t say enough about the energy I have seen this year from so many committees. The input and drive from the committees helps to make our Association strong and viable. I just can’t emphasize enough the importance of the committees in driving the Board Strategic Plan. All organizations, OKCMAR, OAR, and NAR have their specific functions towards keeping Real Estate a pivotal force of our economy. If you want to learn more about your occupation, please get involved and learn how it all fits together.
In the afternoon, it was off to OKCMAR to discuss some of the issues we face with regards to square footage disclosure. Later, I attended the MLS R&D Task Force and was glad that they all were able to hear about the upcoming RPR program that NAR is offering. I hope everybody visits the RPR Blog and explores the site.
Both the MLS Board and OKCMAR will be making crucial decisions later in the year with regards to RPR, and we need much input as possible to assist in making the right moves.
Finally, I can’t say enough about the energy I have seen this year from so many committees. The input and drive from the committees helps to make our Association strong and viable. I just can’t emphasize enough the importance of the committees in driving the Board Strategic Plan. All organizations, OKCMAR, OAR, and NAR have their specific functions towards keeping Real Estate a pivotal force of our economy. If you want to learn more about your occupation, please get involved and learn how it all fits together.
OAR- Your State Association Is Working For You
I just got back from a very productive Board of Directors Meeting at your state association, Oklahoma Association of REALTORS [OAR]. To refresh your memory, when you join your local association, OKCMAR, you are also becoming a member of OAR & NAR (your national association). Of your annual dues payment $134 goes directly to OAR to pay your state dues. To ensure that you are getting the most bang for your buck, I encourage all REALTOR members to check the OAR website often, There you will find a ton of information especially in regards to legislative activity where your state association works diligently to protect your ability to operate and operate profitably in Oklahoma. Your state association is also the primary legislative watchdog protecting the rights of private citizens who own property/homes.
At this particular board meeting there was an indepth analysis of the surveys that went out to every Oklahoma REALTOR as to how OAR could best serve you. I was very impressed with one of the three year goals "To create a culture of collaboration". I was also impressed that they were willing to share all the results. Inherent in this culture of collaboration was a feeling of momentum of banding together to keep the OK housing market vibrant because after all when you join an organization you are not joining its products and services, you are joining a group of people to forward a common cause. KUDOS to OAR for its insight and vision- it looks like 2011 will be a great year for Oklahoma REALTORS!
At this particular board meeting there was an indepth analysis of the surveys that went out to every Oklahoma REALTOR as to how OAR could best serve you. I was very impressed with one of the three year goals "To create a culture of collaboration". I was also impressed that they were willing to share all the results. Inherent in this culture of collaboration was a feeling of momentum of banding together to keep the OK housing market vibrant because after all when you join an organization you are not joining its products and services, you are joining a group of people to forward a common cause. KUDOS to OAR for its insight and vision- it looks like 2011 will be a great year for Oklahoma REALTORS!
Monday, June 14, 2010
I Spoke To Soon & Mother Nature Put Me in My Place!
After I spent yesterday expounding over how wonderful the Oklahoma summer is, I was quickly discredited by Mother Nature. Hope everyone has traveled safely today. Please dear members be patient as we are running with a very limited staff today, especially in MLS where most employees are from the Northeast end of town. We are hoping to have very few people in the building today as we are filled with buckets of dripping water from roof leaks and I am concerned for your safety. We have already had the workmen here first thing this morning to assess the damage. I heard on the news we have had record-breaking rainfall this morning. At the moment of this writing we are experiencing a reprieve so hopefully we will see a few more employees in today.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Pay the Least- Watch Your Mail!
Just a reminder that MLS & Lockboxes key fee invoices will be going out the first week of July. As I am sure everyone knows by now- your lockbox key fees were reduced last year from $25 to $22.50 monthly and your MLS fees were reduced to $45 monthly if you are a lockbox program participant. I am just reminding everyone that if you pay your invoice in July you are entitled to a 10% pre-pay discount. Yes thats right- your MLS fees will be reduced to $40.50 monthly and your lockbox key fees will be reduced to $20.25. Waiting until August to pay will reduce the discount to 5% and the discount is lost if you pay in September. September 30th is the absolute last day one can pay without suspension of your MLS and Key Service. Just making sure that members realize that in 2008 they paid $75 monthly for MLS & Key fees and in 2009 & 2010 they can pay as little as $60.75 for MLS & Key fees if they use the discounts available.
If paying twice per year is hard for you please consider monthly ACH payments. The ACH payments are not entitled to the additional 10% discount. The sign up is limited due to the bank's ability to process in time so if you miss the registration you will need to wait for the next enrollment cycle. The registration link will be on the MLS Message of the Day as soon as the enrollment period begins. We're In It For You!
If paying twice per year is hard for you please consider monthly ACH payments. The ACH payments are not entitled to the additional 10% discount. The sign up is limited due to the bank's ability to process in time so if you miss the registration you will need to wait for the next enrollment cycle. The registration link will be on the MLS Message of the Day as soon as the enrollment period begins. We're In It For You!
WOW! Terry Watson! WOW!
If you missed Terry Watson at the summer conference- you probably missed one of the greatest opportunities of your professional career! I knew Terry was good because I have seen him twice before but this seminar was phenomenal!!! One take-away I had as staff was that I need to be putting a lot more video on this blog and writing a lot less. The member feedback and evals were outstanding and were so enthusiastic that we are bringing Terry back as a stand-alone event next year. He was so good that we believe no one can follow him. I am giving you all a heads up. If you missed this incredible speaker you absolutely must attend when we bring him back.
The conference met attendance goals and was incredibly informative from updates from OAR & NAR legislative representatives, to meeting the REALTOR running for federal office, to commercial tracks to CE and just a really good lunch! For those of you who don't know me well I can tell you for me: Its All About The Food! Of course there was much networking going on as well and the feeling of REALTOR spirit & camaraderie was energizing.
Speaking of good food and great speakers make sure you are blocking off both days of the membership conference Sept 8th & 9th. This conference is ALL ABOUT YOU the member. In addition to inspirational & motivational sessions with Marsha Petrie Sue and Stan Tollar the conference will house the September Election Luncheon, The RPAC Awards Luncheon, The Brokers Quarterly Dinner, CE, a Commercial Track, NAR GREEN Designation Courses, and is chocked full of mini-panels to give you the opportunity to hear from your peers and real estate related professionals about the pressing issues facing the REALTOR today. Oh did I mention it ends with a fantastically popular table top night. While the expo will host up to 50 exhibits during the conference the last 2 hours will feature the table top with free cocktails and hors d'oeuvres and many, many, many give-aways including a chance to win 2011 local, state & national dues for one lucky attendee. Be watching your eblasts and the website for registration to open.
The conference met attendance goals and was incredibly informative from updates from OAR & NAR legislative representatives, to meeting the REALTOR running for federal office, to commercial tracks to CE and just a really good lunch! For those of you who don't know me well I can tell you for me: Its All About The Food! Of course there was much networking going on as well and the feeling of REALTOR spirit & camaraderie was energizing.
Speaking of good food and great speakers make sure you are blocking off both days of the membership conference Sept 8th & 9th. This conference is ALL ABOUT YOU the member. In addition to inspirational & motivational sessions with Marsha Petrie Sue and Stan Tollar the conference will house the September Election Luncheon, The RPAC Awards Luncheon, The Brokers Quarterly Dinner, CE, a Commercial Track, NAR GREEN Designation Courses, and is chocked full of mini-panels to give you the opportunity to hear from your peers and real estate related professionals about the pressing issues facing the REALTOR today. Oh did I mention it ends with a fantastically popular table top night. While the expo will host up to 50 exhibits during the conference the last 2 hours will feature the table top with free cocktails and hors d'oeuvres and many, many, many give-aways including a chance to win 2011 local, state & national dues for one lucky attendee. Be watching your eblasts and the website for registration to open.
Golf Just Gets Better Every Year!
KUDOS to the OKCMAR Affiliate Council- the golf tourney was the best ever. The food was simply amazing- we had 33 teams and SOLD OUT on the sponsorships. The sponsors are so important because the fundraising events we have fund the exceptional education program of OKCMAR. If it weren't for the generosity of our sponsors we would not be able to have the level of professionalism we see in our OKC market! I firmly believe this is one of the reasons the OKC market held firm while others were crashing all around us- our REALTORS are educated professionals who have been given the skills to survive down times. There is a complete photo album of the conference on the OKCMAR facebook group page

Sunday, June 6, 2010
OKCMAR Proud !
Today I had the wonderful experience of being able to participate in the Children’s Miracle Network Telethon with our Leadership Tomorrow Group (LT7). As a group the LT7 chose to work with a family who has a child with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CHA). As a project, the LT7 worked with local vendors to assist the family with necessary home repairs, installation, demo, and construction of various repairs needed at the family home. The family has had many medical expenses due to their daughter’s diagnosis and necessary home repairs were not able to be made.
As an Organization, we should all be very proud of the commitment that OKCMAR has to our community and families. It is the hard work and dedication of all committees that makes us OKCMAR proud and the LT7 class of 2010 is sterling example of how OKCMAR assists and gives back to the community.
Additionally, I recognized many of our REALTOR members assisting the phone bank.
I offer my personal congratulations to the LT7 Committee and the Class of 2010.
As an Organization, we should all be very proud of the commitment that OKCMAR has to our community and families. It is the hard work and dedication of all committees that makes us OKCMAR proud and the LT7 class of 2010 is sterling example of how OKCMAR assists and gives back to the community.
Additionally, I recognized many of our REALTOR members assisting the phone bank.
I offer my personal congratulations to the LT7 Committee and the Class of 2010.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Oklahoma AE Retreat
This week ended on a very postive note! I am happy to report that we met goal on the conference registration. This was intended to be a smaller one day conference but I was a little concerned over the initial registrations. While we are thrilled to hit our goal I am also somewhat disappointed that in a group this size we can only capture 5-10% attendance. OKCMAR conferences are held as a means of giving back to the members high quality education. I am considering eliminating this mid year conference and going just with the tech conference in the spring and the management conference in the fall. Without large attendance numbers the events become too costly to do. In the summer we do have golf and the RCA bus tour as member events- perhaps that is enough during the busy selling season.
I wanted to make a special thank you to all those non-OKCMAR members who saw the value and registered- It is wonderful that you recognize the value of what we are offering and are willing to travel long distances to participate.
The last two days I spent in Sand Springs/Tulsa for our first ever Oklahoma Assn Executives' Retreat. I LEARNED SO MUCH! Thank you to OAR for helping to sponsor the rooms. The best part of the retreat was after dinner. All of us sat outside and talked about our challenges, opportunities and just the way we do things for over 4 hours. To me this was incredibly valuable and an eye-opener. It helped me understand why some of the OK associations do things a certain way. I also think it helps the other associations see OKCMAR in a different light. In today's economy, more than ever, the associations need to work together, pool scant resources, and do whatever we can to assist the Oklahoma REALTOR in being successful
regardless of boundaries. The real estate market drives our economy. As AE's we have a duty and an obligation to keep our industry strong so we can keep the USA strong.
PS: Thank you Harriet, AE of the Edmond Assn of REALTORS, for solving my golf outing dilemma with one phone call! You are the best!
I wanted to make a special thank you to all those non-OKCMAR members who saw the value and registered- It is wonderful that you recognize the value of what we are offering and are willing to travel long distances to participate.
The last two days I spent in Sand Springs/Tulsa for our first ever Oklahoma Assn Executives' Retreat. I LEARNED SO MUCH! Thank you to OAR for helping to sponsor the rooms. The best part of the retreat was after dinner. All of us sat outside and talked about our challenges, opportunities and just the way we do things for over 4 hours. To me this was incredibly valuable and an eye-opener. It helped me understand why some of the OK associations do things a certain way. I also think it helps the other associations see OKCMAR in a different light. In today's economy, more than ever, the associations need to work together, pool scant resources, and do whatever we can to assist the Oklahoma REALTOR in being successful
regardless of boundaries. The real estate market drives our economy. As AE's we have a duty and an obligation to keep our industry strong so we can keep the USA strong.
PS: Thank you Harriet, AE of the Edmond Assn of REALTORS, for solving my golf outing dilemma with one phone call! You are the best!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Hey folks- we need 75 more (20 more commercial practioners needed) of the members to register for the conference in order to keep our NAR grant subsidies. Take the opportunity to learn new and pratical suggestions for jump-starting your sales, learn how to better balance work and career, how to prioritize, learn about the commercial tools available direct from NAR Commercial, hear about NAR legislative initiatives meant to keep our industry going strong, hear direct from the REALTOR running for federal office, LAUGH, LAUGH, LAUGH while earning CE from two very entertaining instructors: For residential Terry Watson- For Commercial Bary Elms. Watch a hands on demo of the REALTORS Property Resource with RPR staff- this product is the talk of the real estate industry (many believe it may very well become the national MLS) see how it works and let MLSOK and OKCMAR leadership know your thoughts about whether we should release our MLS data to them.
The conference includes the OKCMAR luncheon sign up today -
The conference includes the OKCMAR luncheon sign up today -
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
100 Members Interested in Increasing Their Sales Needed
There are only a few days left to register for the Summer Management Conference. Your OKCMAR dues dollars and the sponsorships of our affiliates are what make a conference of this caliber even possible. Because of the sponsorships that were pre-sold OKCMAR was able to offer our luncheon and the conference for a low, low, low $39. Investing $39 in your business and 8 hours of your time could reap huge rewards in productivity.
You are only paying too much for your dues if you do not utilize the tools OKCMAR is providing to keep your business strong. Take advantage of speakers that normally would require registration and attendance at a national convention... we are bringing the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) to you with NAR staff, NAR Commercial Signature Speaker, and top NAR speakers and instructors right here in OKC saving you thousands of dollars that you would pay for registration, air fare and hotel. Don't cheat yourself- register today! Click Here to register.
You are only paying too much for your dues if you do not utilize the tools OKCMAR is providing to keep your business strong. Take advantage of speakers that normally would require registration and attendance at a national convention... we are bringing the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) to you with NAR staff, NAR Commercial Signature Speaker, and top NAR speakers and instructors right here in OKC saving you thousands of dollars that you would pay for registration, air fare and hotel. Don't cheat yourself- register today! Click Here to register.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Put Your Dues Dollars to Work for You
I am often asked what do members get for their dues dollars? I always find that question a bit of a paradox because if the member was aware of the incredible advantages being an OKCMAR member entails there would be no need for the question. The OKCMAR luncheon & Summer Management Conference is paid for with dues dollars and affiliate sponsorships. If members do not avail themselves of the benefits such as this it is easy to understand the origination of their question. This conference is a true "must attend".
If you have never had the opportunity to see Terry Watson in person you are missing the opportunity to bring your business up to the next level. We are so fortunate that we have Terry for the day (remember he is an NAR favorite and REALTORS spend a $1000 or more just to see him at NAR conventions). OKCMAR has Terry presenting the opening session and then 3 hours of the most entertaining and useful CE a member could ever want- I know this because I have been fortunate enough to see Terry twice in my real estate career. Watch a video of Terry in action to see what I am talking about- click here
But you can't benefit from your dues investment if you don't make the time to attend. This conference is only $39 ($25 of which goes directly to the Marriott for your OKCMAR luncheon). I urge you to attend Next Tuesday June 8th for the entire session 9-4 (9-5pm for our commercial friends as their CE course is 4 hours and features the NAR RCA signature speaker). Register today by clicking here!
If you have never had the opportunity to see Terry Watson in person you are missing the opportunity to bring your business up to the next level. We are so fortunate that we have Terry for the day (remember he is an NAR favorite and REALTORS spend a $1000 or more just to see him at NAR conventions). OKCMAR has Terry presenting the opening session and then 3 hours of the most entertaining and useful CE a member could ever want- I know this because I have been fortunate enough to see Terry twice in my real estate career. Watch a video of Terry in action to see what I am talking about- click here
But you can't benefit from your dues investment if you don't make the time to attend. This conference is only $39 ($25 of which goes directly to the Marriott for your OKCMAR luncheon). I urge you to attend Next Tuesday June 8th for the entire session 9-4 (9-5pm for our commercial friends as their CE course is 4 hours and features the NAR RCA signature speaker). Register today by clicking here!
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