Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Thought Everyone Knew

I talked to a REALTOR® today who did not know that on a PC and some laptops  that you can easily shortcut to the Registered Trademark symbol "®" by simply holding down the ALT button and typing in the numbers 0174.  Usually a lot faster than  inserting a symbol through the word menus. Kelli McNeal tells me that holding down the control button and hitting the letter "R" also will result in the trademark symbol - though I have not tried this.

We then started talking about how even REALTORS® fail to properly use the word. It is a registered trademark and must be spelled in all capital letters followed by the "®" . Make sure you are keeping the word, REALTOR® , and all that it stands for, special and unique. He asked me to pass this along in the blog.... so I did!

Budgets- Round 1

If you ever wonder how on earth OKCMAR & MLSOK budgets for the year I thought I would share the process with you. First we have a three year budgeting cycle which acts as a guide. This would be year 2. Second while the 3 year budget is a guide we are required to zero base budget which means we look at each line item separately and start at 0 and determine the current cost of a program and the current income (if any) of a program. The three year budget determines basic items in line with the strategic plan such as what trainings the board and/or staff will go to, how much will be spent on advertising & promotion, how many events will be put on,  etc. All of these include a target income or loss for the year.

Today is the most difficult but also the most enjoyable part of the process. The department heads will develop proposals in alliance with the strategic plan and 3 year budget for their respective departments. They will argue passionately for items they believe are necessary for the development of the strategic plan and to further the goals of their assigned committees. At the end of today we will have preliminary budgets  for each corporation. This year, is the first year in years that OKCMAR's budget will not have a projected/budgeted loss. Last year MLSOK operated at a substantial loss in order to take advantage of tax incentives but for 2011 MLSOK will operate slightly above break-even in order to replenish the reserves that were used to gain the tax incentives. Last year was the year of capital expenditures and capital improvements- this year and next we hope to reap the rewards of the planned spending.

Next the budgets go to the finance committee where the budgets are picked apart and members representing all of you discuss program cuts and program additions. If the budgets pass this stage (which is rare- last year this stage was repeated twice) they go on to the respective boards where the process is again reviewed. If the budgets pass this stage they become implemented if not they go back to committee and the process starts again. In an average year the budgets are revised at least 5 times. The staff, finance committees and the leadership totally know this is YOUR money and feel very responsible for spending it wisely.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Video Blog?

Terry Watson, our keynote speaker at the Summer Management Conference, told his audience in Oklahoma City that the written blog was a thing of the past- we need to move to video blogs. I could do it. I have a fancy I-Phone that would let me film videos all day long. What is stopping me? I am really not sure. I like writing on the blog because I have lots of time to think. I also like that the written page doesn't reflect my actual appearance but my "work" appearance. I would worry that a video would seem too practiced- I often rewrite entries several times but the reader doesn't see it. I am not afraid of technology- I think I am afraid of the camera. I know I have to take the video blog plunge and I promise dear readers to do it soon. However while I think video and pictures are great I have a great love for the written word and think it will never be replaced. Be watching for the first video... I promise I will do it soon.

The Three Legs of the Management Stool

When I was in the University of Wisconsin-Platteville's master's program I read a great book about successful management; honestly I can't remember the name of it but I remember its message and it has stuck with me for several years.  I read it while on a train from Crystal Lake, IL to downtown Chicago, it was on the way to the NAR leadership summit. The book was not very large and very, very good and I read the entire thing on the train. Its basic message was this: An effective organization is balanced by three legs on a stool: personnel, processes and systems.

This morning I received a WONDERFUL email from a member who was very happy with one of our MLS services and took the time to write me. I emailed back and got an even more enthusiastic reply about how great the staff is and  he credited me for bringing insightful energy to the organization. After I got over patting myself on the back- my arm got sore- I thought about what he commented on. I realized that small little book, read on a quiet train ride, had really driven so much of what I have done at OKCMAR in terms of administration. The first thing is personnel. You can have the most wonderful leadership in the world, refined processes, great systems but if the personnel is not good, none of that matters. I pride myself on the great team I have been allowed to build at OKCMAR. We have had negligible turnover in the last 2 years and I believe our staff is top notch.

The second is processes. Over the last three years the senior staff & I have worked relentlessly on developing a defined, written process for every single thing we do at OKCMAR & MLSOK. Every action has a standard and we define it, evaluate it and measure it on a regular basis. It is this particular area that I will take a  small modicum of credit, my education in Project Management has been invaluable in creating processes.  The leadership has been wonderful in investing in excellent systems to support the processes and personnel. As I remember from the book, great people and great processes can be felled by failing systems. If the phone system drops every third call all the effort in the world is lost if the systems fail.

I am so happy that members recognize what the leadership and staff have been trying to accomplish. As a follower of Deming's Total Quality Management (TQM)  philosophies there is no resting on past successes. Every day we need to examine the three legs of our business stool and look for & implement improvement . Is everything always perfect? Absolutely not but we strive for that constant and continuous improvement every day. 

My hope is that by sharing my views on this subject perhaps it may help the blog readers in pushing past a barrier to greater business success. If you are doing everything right and you have the best people in the world- perhaps your systems need to be upgraded. If you have invested in great systems and have wonderful people, perhaps the processes are not defined. Does everyone in your office process a new listing in the same manner to your broker's standard? People want to do a great job but if they aren't sure of the expectation  and process they are doomed to disappoint. Remember that systems include such simple things as office supply systems, utilities management and even compensation structures.  Finally one can not stand tall, sturdy and above the rest on a crooked stool; balance is crucial.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thanks to our Committees

This was a jam packed day with meetings at OAR and at OKCMAR. One of the things that OAR does extremely well is to follow all the Legislation at the Capitol. Needless to say they represent us very well, and I am glad it is not me who wades through all that legal stuff that may or may not become law. Official “pat on the back” to the OAR Staff and Committees.

In the afternoon, it was off to OKCMAR to discuss some of the issues we face with regards to square footage disclosure. Later, I attended the MLS R&D Task Force and was glad that they all were able to hear about the upcoming RPR program that NAR is offering. I hope everybody visits the RPR Blog and explores the site.


Both the MLS Board and OKCMAR will be making crucial decisions later in the year with regards to RPR, and we need much input as possible to assist in making the right moves.

Finally, I can’t say enough about the energy I have seen this year from so many committees. The input and drive from the committees helps to make our Association strong and viable. I just can’t emphasize enough the importance of the committees in driving the Board Strategic Plan. All organizations, OKCMAR, OAR, and NAR have their specific functions towards keeping Real Estate a pivotal force of our economy. If you want to learn more about your occupation, please get involved and learn how it all fits together.

OAR- Your State Association Is Working For You

I just got back from a very productive Board of Directors Meeting at your state association, Oklahoma Association of REALTORS [OAR]. To refresh your memory, when you join your local association, OKCMAR, you are also becoming a member of OAR & NAR (your national association). Of your annual dues payment $134 goes directly to OAR to pay your state dues. To ensure that you are getting the most bang for your buck, I encourage all REALTOR members to check the OAR website often, http://www.oklahomarealtors.com/. There you will find a ton of information especially in regards to legislative activity where your state association works diligently to protect your ability to operate and operate profitably in Oklahoma. Your state association is also the primary legislative watchdog protecting the rights of private citizens who own property/homes.

At this particular board meeting there was an indepth analysis of the surveys that went out to every Oklahoma REALTOR as to how OAR could best serve you. I was very impressed with one of the three year goals "To create a culture of collaboration". I was also impressed that they were willing to share all the results. Inherent in this culture of collaboration was a feeling of momentum of banding together to keep the OK housing market vibrant because after all when you join an organization you are not joining its products and services, you are joining a group of people to forward a common cause. KUDOS to OAR for its insight and vision- it looks like 2011 will be a great year for Oklahoma REALTORS!

Monday, June 14, 2010

I Spoke To Soon & Mother Nature Put Me in My Place!

After I spent yesterday expounding over how wonderful the Oklahoma summer is, I was quickly discredited by Mother Nature. Hope everyone has traveled safely today. Please dear members be patient as we are running with a very limited staff today, especially in MLS where most employees are from the Northeast end of town. We are hoping to have very few people in the building today as we are filled with buckets of dripping water from roof leaks and I am concerned for your safety. We have already had the workmen here first thing this morning to assess the damage. I heard on the news we have had record-breaking rainfall this morning. At the moment of this writing we are experiencing a reprieve so hopefully we will see a few more employees in today.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pay the Least- Watch Your Mail!

Just a reminder that MLS & Lockboxes key fee invoices will be going out the first week of July. As I am sure everyone knows by now- your lockbox key fees were reduced last year from $25 to $22.50 monthly and your MLS fees were reduced to $45 monthly if you are a lockbox program participant. I am just reminding everyone that if you pay your invoice in July you are entitled to a 10% pre-pay discount. Yes thats right- your MLS fees will be reduced to $40.50 monthly and your lockbox key fees will be reduced to  $20.25. Waiting until August to pay will reduce the discount to 5% and the discount is lost if you pay in September. September 30th is the absolute last day one can pay without suspension of your MLS and Key Service. Just making sure that members realize that in 2008 they paid $75 monthly for MLS & Key fees and in 2009 & 2010 they can pay as little as $60.75 for MLS & Key fees if they use the discounts available.

If paying twice per year is hard for you please consider monthly ACH payments. The ACH payments are not entitled to the additional 10% discount. The sign up is limited due to the bank's ability to process in time so if you miss the registration you will need to wait for the next enrollment cycle. The registration link will be on the MLS Message of the Day as soon as the enrollment period begins. We're In It For You!

WOW! Terry Watson! WOW!

If you missed Terry Watson at the summer conference- you probably missed one of the greatest opportunities of your professional career! I knew Terry was good because I have seen him twice before but this seminar was phenomenal!!! One take-away I had as staff was that I need to be putting a lot more video on this blog and writing a lot less. The member feedback and evals were outstanding and were so enthusiastic that we are bringing Terry back as a stand-alone event next year. He was so good that we believe no one can follow him. I am giving you all a heads up. If you missed this incredible speaker you absolutely must attend when we bring him back.

The conference met attendance goals and was incredibly informative from updates from OAR & NAR legislative representatives, to meeting the REALTOR running for federal office, to commercial tracks to CE and just a really good lunch! For those of you who don't know me well I can tell you for me: Its All About The Food! Of course there was much networking going on as well and the feeling of REALTOR spirit & camaraderie was energizing.

Speaking of good food and great speakers make sure you are blocking off both days of the membership conference Sept 8th & 9th. This conference is ALL ABOUT YOU the member. In addition to inspirational & motivational sessions with Marsha Petrie Sue and Stan Tollar the conference will house the September Election Luncheon, The RPAC Awards Luncheon, The Brokers Quarterly Dinner, CE, a Commercial Track, NAR GREEN Designation Courses, and is chocked full of mini-panels to give you the opportunity to hear from your peers and real estate related professionals about the pressing issues facing the REALTOR today. Oh did I mention it ends with a fantastically popular table top night. While the expo will host up to 50 exhibits during the conference the last 2 hours will feature the table top with free cocktails and hors d'oeuvres and many, many, many give-aways including a chance to win 2011 local, state & national dues for one lucky attendee. Be watching your eblasts and the website for registration to open.

Golf Just Gets Better Every Year!

KUDOS to the OKCMAR Affiliate Council- the golf tourney was the best ever. The food was simply amazing- we had 33 teams and SOLD OUT on the sponsorships. The sponsors are so important because the fundraising events we have fund the exceptional education program of OKCMAR. If it weren't for the generosity of our sponsors we would not be able to have the level of professionalism we see in our OKC market! I firmly believe this is one of the reasons the OKC market held firm while others were crashing all around us- our REALTORS are educated professionals who have been given the skills to survive down times. There is a complete photo album of the conference on the OKCMAR facebook group page www.facebook.com/okc.realtors

Sunday, June 6, 2010

OKCMAR Proud !

Today I had the wonderful experience of being able to participate in the Children’s Miracle Network Telethon with our Leadership Tomorrow Group (LT7). As a group the LT7 chose to work with a family who has a child with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CHA). As a project, the LT7 worked with local vendors to assist the family with necessary home repairs, installation, demo, and construction of various repairs needed at the family home. The family has had many medical expenses due to their daughter’s diagnosis and necessary home repairs were not able to be made.

As an Organization, we should all be very proud of the commitment that OKCMAR has to our community and families. It is the hard work and dedication of all committees that makes us OKCMAR proud and the LT7 class of 2010 is sterling example of how OKCMAR assists and gives back to the community.

Additionally, I recognized many of our REALTOR members assisting the phone bank.

I offer my personal congratulations to the LT7 Committee and the Class of 2010.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oklahoma AE Retreat

This week ended on a very postive note! I am happy to report that we met goal on the conference registration. This was intended to be a smaller one day conference but I was a little concerned over the initial registrations. While we are thrilled to hit our goal I am also somewhat disappointed that in a group this size we can only capture 5-10% attendance. OKCMAR conferences are held as a means of giving back to the members high quality education. I am considering eliminating this mid year conference and going just with the tech conference in the spring and the management conference in the fall. Without large attendance numbers the events become too costly to do. In the summer we do have golf and the RCA bus tour as member events- perhaps that is enough during the busy selling season.

I wanted to make a special thank you to all those non-OKCMAR members who saw the value and registered- It is wonderful that you recognize the value of what we are offering and are willing to travel long distances to participate.

The last two days I spent in Sand Springs/Tulsa for our first ever Oklahoma Assn Executives' Retreat. I LEARNED SO MUCH! Thank you to OAR for helping to sponsor the rooms. The best part of the retreat was after dinner. All of us sat outside and talked about our challenges, opportunities and just the way we do things for over 4 hours. To me this was incredibly valuable and an eye-opener. It helped me understand why some of the OK associations do things a certain way. I also think it helps the other associations see OKCMAR in a different light. In today's economy, more than ever, the associations need to work together, pool scant resources, and do whatever we can to assist the Oklahoma REALTOR in being successful
regardless of boundaries. The real estate market drives our economy. As AE's we have a duty and an obligation to keep our industry strong so we can keep the USA strong.

PS: Thank you Harriet, AE of the Edmond Assn of REALTORS, for solving my golf outing dilemma with one phone call! You are the best!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hey folks- we need 75 more (20 more commercial practioners needed) of the members to register for the conference in order to keep our NAR grant subsidies. Take the opportunity to learn new and pratical suggestions for jump-starting your sales, learn how to better balance work and career, how to prioritize, learn about the commercial tools available direct from NAR Commercial, hear about NAR legislative initiatives meant to keep our industry going strong, hear direct from the REALTOR running for federal office, LAUGH, LAUGH, LAUGH while earning CE from two very entertaining instructors: For residential Terry Watson- For Commercial Bary Elms. Watch a hands on demo of the REALTORS Property Resource with RPR staff- this product is the talk of the real estate industry (many believe it may very well become the national MLS) see how it works and let MLSOK and OKCMAR leadership know your thoughts about whether we should release our MLS data to them.

The conference includes the  OKCMAR luncheon sign up today - http://bit.ly/bvvsiX

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

100 Members Interested in Increasing Their Sales Needed

There are only a few days left to register for the Summer Management Conference. Your OKCMAR dues dollars and the sponsorships of our affiliates are what make a conference of this caliber even possible. Because of the sponsorships that were pre-sold OKCMAR was able to offer our luncheon and the conference for a low, low, low $39. Investing $39 in your business and 8 hours of your time could reap huge rewards in productivity.

You are only paying too much for your dues if you do not utilize the tools OKCMAR is providing to keep your business strong. Take advantage of speakers that normally would require registration and attendance at a national convention... we are bringing the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) to you with NAR staff, NAR Commercial Signature Speaker, and top NAR speakers and instructors right here in OKC saving you thousands of dollars that you would pay for registration, air fare and hotel. Don't cheat yourself- register today! Click Here to register.