Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Doug Devitre Rocks!

Take a look at what Doug Devitre put together for OKCMAR! Just click the link to view the video:


Learn even more at our Spring Tech Conference! Register Here...

Invest in Yourself- Register for the Spring Tech Conference

OKCMAR is bringing its members an essential tool to developing their business in 2010. The tech conference. The cost is $75 per day (which includes CE & Lunch) or $100 for both days (which includes CE & Lunch. The conference will be held March 10th & 11th at the Moore-Norman Technology Center. While researching for this blog I read article after article that stated various studies that indicated that investing in oneself and one's business during a down economy was not only critical to survival but those that did sustained a proven long-term competitive advantage.

The advantage was due to the following reasons: Salespersons re-evaluated their current marketing strategies and implemented strategies that were in alignment with current marketing conditions and the increased brand awareness from money spent in a smaller pool of competition was sustained for decades. This is YOUR opportunity to differentiate yourself.

The conference will include top national speakers: Gee Dunsten, Doug Devitre, Dick Betts & Brian Boero. In addition local talent will include an OPUBCO presentation on web behavioral psychographics and member panels. There will be 25 exhibitors (we are at capacity on exhibitors) featuring e-property data- our new commercial information exchange vendor, Announce My Listing, and a booth hosted by the national REALTORS Federal Credit Union. Do not miss this wonderful opportunity to put yourself ahead of the pack!

Register Now!     Download the Brochure    Sponsor the Event      View All Conference Material

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Grim RPR (reaper) or REALTORS Promise for the Future?

At the MLS strategic planning session, a great deal of discussion centered around RPR, REALTORS PROPERTY RESOURCE and its potential impact on MLS. RPR's primary offering is tax data, something our members currently enjoy but most smaller MLS's cannot afford. Upon reviewing what is available through RPR it appears that our own MLS offers much of what RPR is proposing for members. A key benefit is that RPR will theoretically provide all the USA listings and the research behind them if all the MLS's participate in a data feed.

The RPR Blog spends a lot of time convincing members that this is not like REALTOR.com because it would be owned solely by NAR members- but REALTOR.com started that way as well. For those of us who were around back then there is an uneasy feeling of distrust. Just like REALTOR.com which once paid members for their listings via their MLS or board, members now pay a great deal to access REALTOR.com benefits.

There is a fear among MLS's that once RPR is up and running co-broke agreements or alternate compensation agreements will replace the need for MLS's entirely or that RPR will eventually provide a means to offer cooperation and compensation in its business model. Now the question is ... Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Your MLS and board are positioned to stand alone independently should this be the final result. MLSOK has many other offerings (and continues to develop services) that it could remain viable should this be the final outcome. The leadership's primary concern is that members receive the same level of service and support they currently enjoy from OKCMAR and MLSOK regardless of RPR's impact. It is far too early to tell what the future of RPR holds, death of MLS or a positive evolution of the real estate industry. Please take the time to read the RPR blog and learn about this enormous shift in the game.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Am Not A Lead

What do you think about this video from 1000 Watt Consulting? Don't miss your opportunity to listen to Brian Boero (co-founder of 1000 Watt Consulting) at the OKCMAR 2010 Spring Tech Conference. Register today!

Penny for Your Thoughts?

Here is your opportunity to weigh-in on the 2010 strategic direction of the MLSOK. The plan developed by your leadership is segmented into 4 key areas. The plan will be collated (it currently is on large white sheets of sticky paper) by a staff member and then presented to the MLSOK Board of Directors for final approval by vote at their next meeting in April. This is your opportunity to comment on the plan before it is finalized.

The 4 key areas are:
  1. Working with other MLS to eliminate imaginary boundaries and eliminating the need to use several MLS's to do business in OK
  2. Development of the Broker Support Unit (services and offerings)
  3. Professional Development in MLS
  4. Utilizing NAR offerings to improve the MLS website

Initiative #1 was a large component of last year's MLS strategic plan. An identified obstacle is that MLSOK cannot control how another Board of Directors will view sharing or consolidating services. This year we worked on means to overcome those obstacles. A perception that MLSOK Participants in areas outside of the city would not be served adequately was addressed both this year and last (Last year we implemented a lockbox share program with Midwest City and Edmond to distribute lockboxes locally). This year the MLS board will look into opening a storefront service center in the Norman area so the MLS Participants & subscribers in South OKC and Norman receive the same high level of in-person service that members on the Northside of the city access easily.

What may be helpful to the membership to understand why this has been so difficult, is that for many associations, the MLS is a primary revenue stream. Any loss in MLS participation would result in financial hardship. This is a difficult mind shift for many. If one looks at the success of the Edmond, Midwest City and El Reno boards, none of which have an MLS for income, it can be done. MLSOK for the last two years has worked hard to ensure that the MLS fees pay only for MLS services, products and administration - NOT association services. MLSOK and OKCMAR both are positioned to survive and thrive independently and to work within their own budgets. The foresight and vision of your MLS and OKCMAR boards is nothing short of outstanding. There is a possibility that RPR- the REALTORS Property Resource may replace the need for many independent MLS's. To learn all about RPR please click here....

Initiative #2 What support can we provide the brokers through MLS. The broker support unit is something new for 2010 that was designed last year. Some recent offerings from this unit is Data Checker and Profit Navigator (both tools) and the public-sided web site. While all are very wonderful tools there is still a need to support the brokerages. The focus this year is on developing reports (For FREE) that the broker can use to keep a pulse on the market (foreclosures and short sales reports, deomgraphics, crime statistics, neioghborhood specific data). Implementation of a virtual assistant program and offering at a charge to brokers using it. While Brokers would be charged for the service the charge would be significantly less than employing a staff person or outsourcing to other providers. Fully develop the support unit to provide marketing support at a small fee to the brokers and agents. The marketing support will be email newsletters customized to the agent/brokerage firm sent automatically to their sphere of influence or neighborhood. Also mailed flyers to a demographic area or sphere in 6 week cycles.

Initiative #3 will assist the MLS users in using the current product and services MLS offers. MLSOk will be launching "Announce My Listing" this March as was part of the 2009 plan however the focus this year is not to bring additional technology into the MLS but only to focus on training and awareness of existing products. The MLS subscribers need time to assimilate current offerings. Ensure that MLS training is independent of OKCMAR education. Ensure that MLS training is offered through multiple channels (live, webinars, video & written material).

Initiative #4 is to use House Logix and other NAR offerings to improve the MLS public sided website. This particular group had a difficult time viewing the MLS pubic sided site as a separate site and instead chose to focus on the OKCMAR website, which is not under the authority of the MLS body or board. In the end it was determined that a separate task force be appointed to work on the task of improving the MLS public sided site and to make recommendations to the OKCMAR board for improvement of the OKCMAR website.

Penny for your thoughts? Please use the comment link to provide your input.

Am I an Edsel?

Does anyone remember watching "The Waltons"? It was a long running television show about life during the Great Depression. In it the cars were the old Edsels, Model T's etc. In the show, in order to get these cars started one had to wind up the engine with a crank in front. Once the crank was let loose the car's engine would start. I think I am like the Edsel! I have been on a vacation for close to 9 days and returned to work this Wednesday. Momentum is a funny thing! This is really the first time I have stopped doing my job in the last 2.5 years and am having great difficulty getting the engine started again.
This week MLSOK had its strategic planning retreat and some exceptional ideas came out of the two day exercise, including a renewed energy for me. Metaphorically, I think the retreat served as a "crank". My hope is that this plan will set the pace for a dynamic year in MLSOK. My next post will detail out the objectives of the 2010 plan. BEFORE IT IS FORMALIZED BY THE MLS BOARD- PLEASE COMMENT. This is your opportunity to weigh-in on the direction of the MLS in 2010. Take advantage of this forum!
Good Night John-Boy, Good Night Jim-Bob, Good Night Elizabeth, Good Night Mary-Ellen, Good Night John-Boy!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Your Posts Are Too Long or Too Wordy

Thanks for the write-in comments in the survey that have exposed my weakness. I feel it is so important to give all of you complete, in-depth, useful information that I tend to overdo it! So for those who wrote in to tell me to make my posts shorter- This is the entire length of this post :)

Are the Directors a cross-section of the membership?

A question I have been recently asked at a broker outreach session was "How can we be sure the boards are really representative of the membership?"

First, the best way to be sure that the directors share your mind set is to vote at the September election. Elections are now held online and in person at the September GMM so there really is no reason to not vote. Each year all the members running for office post biographies on the board website which run for 45 days prior to the election- read before you vote.

Second, any member can petition for a write-in slot on the ballot.

Third, I believe the nominating committees of both boards work hard for diversity. The bylaws also REQUIRE that a certain percentage of both boards have seats that are filled by brokers. Brokers tend to represent the mindset of those working for them. Here are a few highlights of the diversity in our leadership:

Our OKCMAR president is an independent broker whose office is in Edmond- (Redbud Realty is what we considered up north to be a "boutique brokerage" under 25 associates)

Our past president is an Edmond office managing broker with a large independent office- Paradigm Advantage

President-Elect is with one of the largest OKCMAR franchises Coldwell-Banker Select with an office in the southern part of the city.

Sec- treasurer- large Edmond independent
Vice President- Large Franchise- C21 AllPro- South OKC

Others: Broker- one of the largest independent and alternative business model OKC
Broker small independent in Piedmont
Broker of NW OKC large franchise- Keller-Williams
Commercial REALTOR in South OKC
Affiliate Member
Broker OKC small independent
Broker Coldwell Banker Carousel in Moore
Broker C21 All Pro South OKC
Broker- Keller Williams (offices in Edmond, Guthrie, Midwest City & Norman)
Associate- MetroMark Realty OKC

MLS is represented by:

Midwest City Broker- small independent
OKC Commercial Broker- small independent
Edmond managing broker- large independent
Edmond broker- mid size independent (ex-officio seat)
OKC managing broker- large alternative independent
Edmond managing broker- large independent
South OKC managing broker- large franchise
Norman Broker- midsize independent
Piedmont Broker- small independent
South OKC managing broker-large franchise

Note that the majority of MLS participation membership is small- to mid-size independents therefore it is the largest segment of the MLS directors and that last year an appraiser finished his term. Appraisers represent approximately 20% of the MLS participants (not users.subscribers). Only the Participants (defined by NAR as broker or appraiser principals) belong to the MLS- access is leased from the broker to his associates.

Both boards represent a large cross-section of the membership they serve and their votes on your behalf should be representative of the greater body.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Why Don't We Get to Vote on Every Decision" and its cousin "Nobody Asks Us Before They Change Something"

Shareholder Rights: Encyclopedia of Every Day Law is quoted in this post. Click on the post title or the Encylopedia link to view the entire article.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of participating in another brokerage outreach visit. OKCMAR and its wholly-owned subsidiary corporation have an agressive outreach schedule for 2010. Your leadership strongly believes it is the one-on-one contact with staff that helps to create and communicate the value of your dues and fees. We want each and every member to fully understand the OKCMAR strategic plan and MLS value proposition. Understanding how busy our members are, both myself, the OKCMAR CEO, and Chris Chappell, Broker & Vendor Services Director, will be attending your broker sales meetings, at your office or location of choice. To arrange for Chris or myself to attend your sales meeting for a brief presentation email us at dkennedy@okcmar.org or cchappell@okcmar.org

Side note: This particular broker held the sales meeting at Johnnie's Restaurant on the Northwest Expressway and the onion rings are to die for!

The subject came up as to why members were not allowed to vote on every decision impacting the managment or policy of the MLS and OKCMAR. This was quickly followed with "Nobody asks the members before they do something". This a very common question/complaint I hear. I have always responded in the same manner but believe it bears repeating. Members are asked through surveys (Every write-in comment is read) as to the direction they would like things to go. We ask pointed questions and welcome written comment, questions like, "How satisfied are you with the MLS?" and "How satisfied are you with OKCMAR services?" We ask about the news magazine, the eblasts, the education department, the legislative agenda, staff performance and more.

Significant policy issues (changes in bylaws) require a membership vote. Less than 5% of you actually vote even though we now have online voting. All you need to do is click and yet most do not answer the important policy questions when asked.

You also vote through your elected directors. The directors review every change and VOTE ON YOUR BEHALF for you. It is assumed that the directors are a cross-section of the membership as all members are allowed to vote in the director election. To contact your directors for OKCMAR click here or for MLS directors click here.

However, the request for changes, additions, modifications, deletions, programming and services does not come from the Board of Directors. It comes from you through two means: Via a committee or via the write-in survey comments. Although we send out 1500 surveys randomized by Excel we get back a little over 300. We need to have 300 minimum response in order to have a 98% confidence level that the sample group is representative of the membership. We must keep the survey open for two months and send numerous emails pleading with members to please complete it.

We also keep the committee sign up form on the board website for three months, October- December, requesting members get involved in the decision making process of the board. The statement "We are never asked" simply is not accurate. We ask through surveys, we ask at the board luncheons, we ask in e-blasts, we ask in committee meetings, we ask in the newsmagazine, we ask on the board website, we ask on the MLS Message of the day, we ask in facebook, we ask in this blog, we ask and ask members for their input in how things will be run.

As to "Why don't we get to vote on decisions?" Again your elected representatives are voting on your behalf but imagine with the less than 5% voting rate how effective your association would really be if every committee request went to a membership vote? Is this normal- do other boards and corporations operate the same way? From the Shareholders Rights Every Day Law Encyclopedia:

"Matters upon which shareholders vote, in addition to the election of the directors, depend on the issues affecting the corporation. The following are the most significant of these matters.
Approval or disapproval of changes in the articles of incorporation
Approval or disapproval of a merger with another corporation
Approval or disapproval of the sale of substantially all of the corporation's assets that is not in the ordinary course of the corporation's business
Approval or disapproval of the voluntary DISSOLUTION of the corporation
Approval or disapproval of corporate transactions where some directors have a conflict of interest
Approval or disapproval of amendments to BYLAWS or articles of incorporation
Make nonbinding recommendations about the governance and management of the corporation to the board of directors"

"Shareholder Rights, Actions, and Liabilities
As noted above, many of the rights afforded to shareholders are contained in each corporation's articles of incorporation or bylaws. It is also noteworthy that shareholders generally do not have the right to vote on management issues that occur in the ordinary course of the corporation's business. Many decisions of the corporation must be made by the board of directors or officers of the corporation, and in most cases, shareholders may not compel the board or officers to take or refrain from taking any action."