Dear Members- I am interested in starting a dialogue about participation. I recently was made aware of an ASAE (American Society of Assn Executives) report regarding the impetus to join an association. Apparently this was a two year study. I have ordered it and am awaiting its arrival. The abstract stated two things-
1) Associations exist to serve membership and therefore member participation must be a performance metric for all associations
2) Board of Directors may be out of touch with the participatory venues and needs of the rank and file membership.
One of the items I have been questioning is the value of some of our programming- I figure that is my job to constantly and consistently reassess our programming for its value proposition. A discussion at a recent board meeting centered around an event that had tremendous attendance. The board was very pleased at all the warm bodies in the seats.
I wonder if we are measuring participation in the most valuable manner? Are warm bodies the only measure? Our online auction really hit the point home in my mind. We ran it for 5 days but it really started cooking the third day. Many members participated and really seemed to enjoy the online, e-bay style event and it received a great deal of positive comment. Even though these members did not leave their offices/homes they actively participated in a board event. I look at our Facebook site where participating members seem to just double every month and I assert are they not participating in the social fabric of our association- is this not networking? I have had several members express their pleasure with the blogs. So if these members are reading and in a sense attending a group conference with the CEO, MLS techs & Pres-Elect are they not participating in shaping and leading the membership?
I know that for the first time in our society there are 4 generational groups in the marketplace. This means four generational groups in our association. I completely get that the Civics and the Baby Boomers like to attend things. They value physical attendance. I think I am one of those weird people because I am on the cusp of two generations- depending on which study you read I am either a baby boomer or a Gen-Xer. I am an equal split as far as demographic traits go. And no, I am not going to reveal my age, I am a girl after all, but I will reveal that my photo was retouched to make me look younger- the photog's idea not mine. I think that is why I feel comfortable with social media and with traditional gatherings.
I also have been seriously educated from recent conferences that Gen X and Gen Y do not value physical attendance nearly as much. If they do physically attend they are much more likely to attend a political rally or a Habitat Build .They do not necessarily like or need face to face but actually prefer texting, blogging, facebooking, twittering etc. For these members the participation is Facebook and Blogging.
In summation, I am asking you, the membership, to help me define the membership participation to be used as a performance metric. I would be VERY interested in your thoughts and comments on this subject.
PS I am raising a Millenial (she's 15) and I struggle to relate to her every day- so more change is yet to come and we need to be ready to adapt!